Same percentage as you saved when importing??
Totally irrelevant.
Just like when someone wins a car in a lottery, so it could effectively be 'free', and decides to sell it. As soon as the buyer hears it was a freebie, they want to knock the price down because they feel they should inherit some sort of knock-on benefit. Why? What the seller paid has no relevance to second hand price. The car is worth what the car is worth.
Indeed, and so many good cheap second hand cars around that as soon as a buyer gets wind of the word "import" they toddle off and buy a non import.
Ok there might not be anything wrong with an import, it might just be scare stories spread around by dealers, but mud sticks.
>it might just be scare stories spread around by dealers, but mud sticks
I don't see how this argument can be true with cars built in Britain, shipped out to somewhere in Europe and then re-imported.
Certain Nissans, Hondas and Peugeots especially fit this description. They will be identical to UK cars.
They are tarred with the same brush as far east 'oddities' and personally imported stuff.
Fair enough if you are trying to part-ex something that the dealer would find hard to shift. But most seem to be narrow minded on this matter.
I can not off the top of my head think of a car that is made in two factories now.
Remember the old Granada how everyone wanted a German made one and not one made in Blighty?
As such all cars made in UK are either not imports or exported and re-imported or made abroad in which case they are all imports. Absolutely no difference except for spec. and most people who go on about UK spec don't even know what UK spec. is.
The dealers spread horror stories around to try and maintain their margins, simple as that. Any dealer who offers you a lower price for an import laugh in his face and sell it privately.
>Any dealer who offers you a lower price for an import laugh in his face and sell it privately.
SWMBO has been offered 10k in part ex for an imported, but built in Swindon, 52reg Honda CRV auto. Looking on Autotrader the dealers have similar ones up at 13k to 13.5k.
So even if as a private sale we only managed 12.5k we would be 2500 better off. Thats 25%!!!
Scr3w3d by the dealer prejudice or what?
"Scr3w3d by the dealer prejudice or what?"
No thats called making a profit.
Any dealer who offers you a lower price for an import laugh in his face and sell it privately.
from what ive heard about dealers and buyers? youll have a permanant laugh on your face.i havent heard of a dealer yet that doesnt tuttut at a import!!
I can not off the top of my head think of a car that is made in two factories now.
Toyota Corolla is made in either Japan, UK or even turkey, Yaris is either Japan or France.
Thank you Blue, thinking about it is the BMW 3 series made in Germany and South Africa now also?
Plus again there's a new Citroen plant in Vigo so maybe some Citroen models now made in France and Spain. Anyhow...
With regard to the Honda. Made in Swindon and its an IMPORT! If you didn't laugh you'd cry.
the main point is not where it's made but to which countries specifications - a car may well be made in the UK but if it's intended for export to Europe the standard equipment list may well be different so you wouldn't be comparing like for like.
And what piece of UK spec. equipment not on a non-UK spec. car is worth 25% of the cars value would you say?
Another great myth put about by the dealers to try and keep margins up. References to imported cars "not meeting UK safety standards" used to be commonplace, and for anyone who could see past the smokescreen - laughable.
For christ's sake, anyone with half a brain can see the reality. They are the SAME car, they came off the SAME production line in Spain, Germany, wherever. It's just that one got shipped to a dealer in Oxford and the other went to a dealer in Bruges.
>the main point is not where it's made but to which countries specifications - a car may well be made in the UK but if it's intended for export to Europe the standard equipment list may well be different so you wouldn't be comparing like for like
Even if the spec is identical it is still worth less?
So are you saying the Cert. of UK conformity is pointless?
I thought that was the reason for them. To make sure dealers could not give 'different spec, sorry mate' as an excuse for ripping Joe Public off.
A Cert of UK conformity is to establish the car meets uk construction and use regulations, NOT that it matches the spec of the same model sold in the UK.
>A Cert of UK conformity is to establish the car meets uk construction and use regulations, NOT that it matches the spec of the same model sold in the UK.
So, despite having a UK Conformity Cert. and other documentary proof that all the toys are there, they can still try to rip me off?
Something is still very wrong.
The only reason this dealer knew there was _anything_ unusual about the CRV was that the HPI check did not give the model as SE Sport, or the transmission as auto.
I suppose if the car got in to the hands of a dealer they could add the missing info in to the Experian database and add the 2500 quid back on.
Or am I being too harsh?
If a customer perceives the import as being in some way inferior the facts are irrelevant. Was there not an earlier thread complaining about dealers not disclosing a vehicle offered for sale as imported and it being overpriced as a result?.
Why did you buy an Import in the first place?
It was bought because it was identical to the CRV's in the local Honda showroom, but without the 3 month wait they had and only slightly cheaper.
At the time the new CRV had just come out and we were told 'there is a waiting list, so no discount off list'.
The local dealer was quite disinterested in doing anything other than working out what finance he could sell me after giving me a pathetic trade in for my car.
Its an easy one here, we should all just buy imports from now on. That way we all save money and stop rip-off Britain!
Oh, and when your car breaks down and there are no garages left in UK to service it, you can take it abroad and get it serviced.
And ditto when you need a spare part. And then when you come to trade it in, you will only be able to trade it in on for someone else's import! And then you will want it cheaper....cos its an import!
If you honestly thought that when you paid £x cheaper for your car and it would not affect a resale value, then you were sadly mistaken. Also, by your comments that the dealer only knew it was import after the HPI check, I take it this is your way of saying you didn't tell them it was an import?
I understand what you are saying about the car being identical in your opinion, and your frustrations of your perceived value, but I am afraid the law of the jungle says that you cannot win at both ends of the deal!
Its an easy one here, we should all just buy imports from now on. That way we all save money and stop rip-off Britain! Oh, and when your car breaks down and there are no garages left in UK to service it, you can take it abroad and get it serviced. And ditto when you need a spare part. And then when you come to trade it in, you will only be able to trade it in on for someone else's import! And then you will want it cheaper....cos its an import!
Don't worry - there will be plenty of people willing to service import cars and supply spares - if only the manufacturers/import concessionaires will let them!
simon -
in your initial post you ask "Are dealers, main dealers especially, still knocking a huge chunk of part-ex value on UK spec. foreign imports? Does the UK conformity cert. make any difference? Or is there still the prejudice and sucking of teeth?
If so, what percentage are they knocking off the value? "
that implies that you have not asked any dealer to value your car, and we are all asssuming that you are being ripped off when in fact you have not even tried to sell them your car yet.
in your last post you say "The local dealer was quite disinterested in doing anything other than working out what finance he could sell me after giving me a pathetic trade in for my car."
that implies that you will probably get a similar or worse attitude when trying to sell rather than buy.
however, in any case, it is all a question of demand and supply ( just as it was when you wanted to buy. ) you will get a price suited for the market conditions and the method by which you bring it to market. no compulsion. it is a free country. personally, i would not buy an import however better spec or quality it was unless it was heavily discounted. why - because i know that the stigma attached to an import will make it harder for me to sell it. chicken and egg, which came first?
Plus as I described the market is awash with good used cars. Your car comes up as suspect on the Experion register, so it will be tougher to sell.
Fact of life me old fruit. You are paying for the "I want it and I want it NOW"
>in your last post you say "The local dealer was quite disinterested in doing anything other than working out what finance he could sell me after giving me a pathetic trade in for my car."
This was the Honda dealer I went to try and by a 'proper' CRV, before I eventually bought the CRV from a car importer.
>in your initial post you ask "Are dealers, main dealers especially, still knocking a huge
>chunk of part-ex value on UK spec. foreign imports? Does the UK conformity cert. make
>any difference? Or is there still the prejudice and sucking of teeth?
>If so, what percentage are they knocking off the value? "
I have since tried to part ex it against another car last week and found the import prejudice.
The saving I made was only 800 quid, and so 2500 seems a hell of a lot to knock off at trade in.
That is what the original post is about.
>>I have since tried to part ex it against another car last week and found the import prejudice. The saving I made was only 800 quid, and so 2500 seems a hell of a lot to knock off at trade in. That is what the original post is about.
Where does this £2,500 figure come from? Is that the difference between the trade-in you were offered and what they sell for in the Autotrader?
If so, how much would you expect to get for the trade-in? Someone, somewhere has to make a profit in the region of £1,500 on selling your part exchange.