What do you think of Elon Musk? Have your say | No thanks
Lazy or crazy? - Big Bad Dave
Back in the mid-nineties I worked for a wealthy publishing director who bought a flat half a mile from work just so that he wouldn?t put too many miles on his beloved Mercedes.

I have since discovered that I have a client, also a publishing director, who lives in the apartment block right next to where he works. Thinking back to my track-running days at school, I?d guess it?s a distance of between 100-200 metres and he drives it everyday also in a large Mercedes. In addition, he has to negotiate a tricksy underground carpark at either end of his journey.

Personally, I think this wonderful disregard for the environment, his health and his car should be applauded. Would anyone confess to being lazier than this?
Lazy or crazy? - carl_a
Can't confess to it myself but i'm nominating John Prescott.
Lazy or crazy? - thallium81
I can't afford to be as lazy as your client Big Bad Dave but if I could I would; not in a Merc though, probably a big bad Bentley.
Lazy or crazy? - Martin Devon
I can't afford to be as lazy as your client Big
Bad Dave but if I could I would; not in a
Merc though, probably a big bad Bentley.

An NSU 'Quickly' would do.

Reg's as ever. ......M.
Lazy or crazy? - NARU
My wife averages 1000 miles a year, of which I probably do 500.

Her 500 comes mainly from half a mile to work and back each day. In her defence, she normally has 3 bags of marked home work to give back to the kids.
Lazy or crazy? - keo-the-dog
i admit i am lazy i will not walk if i can take the car no matter how short the distance . if i was extremely wealthy i would have a chauffeur so i wouldn't even have to drive myself although i would sometimes as i enjoy driving...cheers...keo.
Lazy or crazy? - Truckosaurus
I drive to the gym, which is half a mile from the office. :-)
Lazy or crazy? - Schnitzel
Sounds more like a tax fiddle to me...
Buy a company flat to offset against tax, rent it out for cash.