Cuban Cars ... - arnold2
Watching that James Bond tosh last night, with JB driving a 50's American monster in Cuba; do they still drive those old cars from the 30's and 50's out there, or are they allowed imports now ?!
Cuban Cars ... - El Hacko
they do indeed still drive 'em and, amazingly, keep 'em going by mixing, matching and bodging (often on the pavements) - incredibly innovative people forced by the crazy economics of Communism to make do - and they're always so cheerful and hospitable
Cuban Cars ... - hillman
When I visited Egypt in the 1970s I was impressed by the number of 1940s era US saloons acting as taxis, ferrying tourists out to the Valley of Kings. Does anybody know what it's like now?
Cuban Cars ... - THe Growler
Egypt has moved on a couple of decades. Peugeot 504's, Merc 123's and Fiat 124's.....

Cuban Cars ... - expat
But none of them have one straight panel. And you should see the jaywalking. Not to mention the guys on the freeway with donkey carts. Real typical third world stuff. Mind you I don't blame them. Most of the people there are living on the smell of an oily rag or maybe less. No wonder they don't care about road rules. They have much more pressing worries.