my dads hyundai sonata has broken down, the automatic transmission tried to change down a gear, a bang was heard, and it lost drive, the engine works but the car has NO drive in any gear. please help me find the problem, and let me know of a good specialist. plus about how much will it cost (i just want a guide price)
the car is a hyundai sonata, 1994 M, 2.0 cdi, automatic.
plus it must be a specialist in the north east of england (about 30 miles of newcastle)
you once told us you were a specialist
Those magazines onthe top shelf, which used to be called "adult titles" are still on the top shelf, but now renamed "specialist titles".
Maybe that is what he meant.
i just wanted details of what could be wrong with the car.
"The sonata form, distinctively, characterizes the quick opening movement; the second, or slow, movement; third comes the playful minuet; then the quick finale in the rondo form." (Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary)
That bang you heard was the Rondo.
Not very fair to Chrissama. Chris, try phoning the Federation of Automatic Transmission Engineers on 07885228595. They may have someone good in your area.
see, it's the season of goodwill
Maybe some "good will" come of it.