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Megane demisting problem - Leapy
It was freezing cold the other night and the following morning the windscreen was misted up so badly that it took about 15 minutes for the demister to clear it. I thought that air-con had done away with this kind of thing. Any suggestions as to what might be the matter? I've had the car for two previous winters and I've never had this problem before. Also the air-con does appear to be working fine.
Megane demisting problem - fossyant
I wouldn't worry unless it's a continuous problem. We've had a fair amount of wet weather followed by cold nights - if condensation is more than a fine mist then the air con can't clear it, - i.e. heavy water deposits on screen, it will take a while to evaporate the water !

If it becomes a constant problem, then this might point to a fact that you may have a leak into the cabin !