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Filth! - Simon (Anne\'s Other Half)
I appreciate at this time of year with the wet greasy sludge on the roads added to the mud that we are going to get most things covered in filth.
However it seems that there has been a rapid decline in the cleanliness and readability of roadsigns.
I don't just mean the ones telling you which town or village you've entered, but important ones like on major junctions, no entry, speed limits, double bends, cameras etc.
There are some that have been so obscured by filth they might as well not be there. Or the rural ones left to be overgrown by trees so they are either hidden, or barely readable under the film of green gum.
Round where I live nothing has been cleaned at all for the last couple of years. A good example of this is the bus shelter by the MAFF Central Science Labs on the A64 between York and Malton. The glass is dark green with tree excretia to the point no-one can see through it.

I think it is dangerous in places and in others adds unneccessary time on to your journey in others.
There have been many times I've been trying to find a new client and been looking for one of these 'hidden' signs, crawling past as I try to decypher them. Or just missing my turning.

Has anyone else noticed this decline, or am I turning in to a T.O.G.?

Filth! - djcj
Hmmm, I noticed in the summer that the councils wern't cutting the undergrowth back either. Seemed to be over the whole country.

Filth! - Stuartli
How else could the councillors and, even more so the so-called Cabinet, raise their vast sum for expenses, salaries etc other than by cutting back on council services...:-))

My council's expenditure on such expenses is just under £1m in the current financial year.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Filth! - Simon (Anne\'s Other Half)
I'm sure I heard that a council in Yorkshire raised the height of a road sign rather than cut the overhanging branches back. Was in the newspapers at the time. Got them lots of publicity, suprisingly enough!

Filth! - oldpostie
On a busy road in Northampton, one large traffic sign has been obscured for several days because the local travelling community have flung a mattress over it. It fits in well with the pile of rubbish beside the road.
Filth! - Cliff Pope
No - it's the exact opposite here in west Wales. The councils appear to have unlimited budgets to needlessly replace village signs, and add more and more roadside furniture of every kind. They don't need to bother cleaning any of it, because it will all get replaced with newer signs, larger signs, re-spelled signs.
They also love spending money patching up tiny imperfections in the road surface, having coned off miles of road with "temporary" traffic lights for weeks before they actually start work.
Filth! - borasport20
councils appear to have unlimited budgets to needlessly replace village signs,
and add more and more roadside furniture of every kind.

Not strictly motoring, but -
The towns and villages of England are being blighted by superfluous signs, haphazard paving and obstructed footways. As a result our streets are losing their local distinctiveness and character

see www.english-heritage.org.uk/default.asp?wci=mainfr...4