As you can tell I got done for a red light offence.
When i got it i was shocked because i couldn't remember thinking
"Oh what a naughty boy I've been! i went through a red light."
Now i heard from a friend that maybe if they dont have a calibration certificate for the camera they are not allowed to prosecute me. (This would also mean that the camera may have made a mistake)
So, i sent a letter to the traffic criminal OCU (London) asking for a copy of this certificate.
The problem i have is that it is now coming up to the end of my 28days in which to accept their offer of £60 and 3 points, but no one has got back to me yet.
If my appeal fails can i still take up this offer or will they take me to court. If they do start court proceedings does it cost me?
Any suggestions and/or help would be much appreciated.
Also if anyone has a contact number for the traffic criminal justice place that would be great.(Because i cant seem to find anything to contact them apart from the p.o box address on the penalty notice).
Thanx in advance for anyone who can help.
OCU can extend the Offer beyond 28 days but should normally state this on the Offer.
You are at the Conditional Offer stage and as such at law not entitled to any photograph/calibration certs etc. This comes later at Court stage under disclosure rules. The CO is a simple way for those who feel Guilty and nothing to argue with to accept the matter and have done with. However some do play ball and disclose bits of evidence.
As to phone number can only suggest you recheck your paperwork to see if listed. If not take your paperwork to your nearest Cop shop who should be able to help with this.
what you should have is an NIP asking you to confirm you were the driver. You have no right to calibration certificates unlkess you plead not guilty and it goes to court.
What you should do is write to them saying that you are unable to confirm who was driving the car at the time of the alleged offence and could you see the picture to help identify the driver. the picture should allow you to identify where it happened.
I am assuming that if you are not aware of jumping a red light then someone else has access to the car ?
When I worked in a motor insurance brokers, one of my clients had a claim thrown out because he did not mention a traffic light offence.
His excuse......"It was not my fault, I was overtaking an Ambulance at the time".
One would normally have to show that the non-disclosed information would have caused you to alter your rating or acceptance of a particular risk. It would be difficult to show that you would not have accepted the risk with a traffic light offence and therefore the normal process would be to show that you would have charged and additional premium and require payment of that before the claim is settled - although even that would be unusual.
Even where a claim could be thrown out, it would normally only be possible to avoid the accidental and non-motor portions of the claim, although payments/costs could be recovered at a later date.
So, I'm guessing that he was drunk, stoned and driving a stolen car at 150mph when the got the traffic light offence.
Many/Most Red light cameras are triggered by the light being red and a sensor in the road and as such do not require calibration. some road sensors are also speed sensitive as you may have gone across on green or amber but were going to turn right and the lights changed whilst you were waiting. Regards Peter
Many/Most Red light cameras are triggered by the light being red and a sensor in the road and as such do not require calibration. some road sensors are also speed sensitive as you may have gone across on green or amber but were going to turn right and the lights changed whilst you were waiting. Regards Peter
I'm a caqreful driver, but we can all make mistakes.
We were travelling to my sisters who lives near Heathrow airport. We were waiting in the middle to turn right and could only move if it was safe. The lights turned red and, but we had been waiting for more than a minute in the middle - the flash went off as we turned - I was worried but felt i could easily expalin this away. Got no notice as i guess the camera showed that we were already in the middle and waiting. That road has been made a no right turn now.