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Speed cameras must be visible - Rob
Page 2 of today's (Saturday) Times makes heartening reading for those of us who don't favour hidden speed cameras.


Re: Speed cameras must be visible - Andrew Hamilton
Seems impossible. Would be a nice dream. Cannot believe any council complying!
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - David Nicholls
well that the problem isn't it. i seem to recall reading that the county councils own the pole and box, whilst the police own the camera inside. if these bodies were given 6 years to paint them all, or stick dayglo stripes on them i dont think it would happen. councils and there employees aren't known for setting the world on fire with response times IMHO.

and any way, who is going to monitor if they have done it. come june /july 2002, who do we complain to when we find grey cameras anyway???
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - richard turpin
Mark and Alvin,
Thanks for your info on copy/paste. I am useless at computers but have learnt something.
PS How do people on this site get my email address? I've had several emails from people I was never introduced to!
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - David W

Assuming it is tch****@aol.com it is because you give it when you post.

Re: Speed cameras must be visible - David W

Assuming it is tch****@aol.com it is because you give it when you post.

Re: Speed cameras must be visible - richard turpin
GOSH! As easy as that. By the way everyone. I think I've got a virus. No seriously. My wife works for an author in the US. She sent us an email with a heading but nothing else except a download. My wife dounloaded it, then clicked on the icon....which just vanished. We then got a phone call from the person in the US saying DONT DOWNLOAD. Too late. We then got an email from "Henry Singer RE Tyre speed" again only a title, no text, but with a download.
Never was the delete button pressed so hard.
Apparently the worm gets into your computer and uses your address book to send apparently genuine emails to whoever is there.
Moral. DONT DOWNLOAD unless you are sure it's genuine.

Please note this is not a trick. HJ and Martyn (moderator) are you aware of this?
Re: Henry Singer RE Tyre speed - Andrew Smith
Ahh. I got that one too, or rather a message to say it had been blocked.
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - Martyn, Back Room moderator
richard turpin wrote:
> GOSH! As easy as that. By the way everyone. I think I've
> got a virus.

> Please note this is not a trick. HJ and Martyn
> (moderator) are you aware of this?

Yes, we are indeed. HJ had it, and sent it to me by mistake. It doesn't affect Macs, so my desktop machine was ok (even though Virex checks every email, this is a very new one. Remember to keep your virus list up to date!). And I don't download emails onto my PC laptop; instead, I use my service provider's webmail facility to look at emails on their server, and then either delete or hold them there until I get into work again.

Incidentally, each of the emails I've had containing this virus (and one of them came from The Watson Family, Chris) has had the email name preceded by an underscore character -- a good means of identifying potential trouble.
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - richard turpin
David, thanks for answering but I don't understand. You don't give yours when you post. All I can see is "---,btinternet.com", and mine is "---,proxy,aol.com". How do people get more than that. Is it my computer?
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - Alwyn

Click on your name in the forum notes (in blue) and see what comes up.

Re: Speed cameras must be visible - Tomo
Sorry, I have typed it in carefully 3 times and all I get is "404 error".

Please, briefly, what did it say?
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - Mark (UK !!!!)

> Sorry, I have typed it in carefully 3 times and all I get is
> "404 error".


Not to be patronising or to state the obvious, but I've seen you make a similar comment before and I thought that maybe you didn't know how to do this.

What people keep talking about is "cutting and pasting". There are several ways to do this, but let me explain the way I find easiest.

Imagine you have just read the web address in the earlier note and would like to go to the page.

Using the mouse, position the cursor as if you were about to type another letter onto the address. Using the left hand mouse button click, but do not release.

Move the cursor to the beginning of the web address. This will highlight the line you have dragged across.

Release the mouse button and the line will remain highlighted. If you now type c this will copy the line into the buffer.

Now move the mouse point up to the top to the line on your browser where you are typing addresses. Delete anything that is there. type v and this will "paste" the line you copied into the buffer earlier into this space.

Hit the return button and there you go.

Apologies if this was obvious.
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - Tom Shaw
Is Mark (UK!!!) as in Mark (Brazil)? If so, hope you are enjoying the weather.
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - Mark (Brazil, but in UK)
Yup, its me. I've, perhaps, made it clearer.

I have been frozen since the day I arrived.

Three things are appalling - M25, Weather, Licensing Hours.

I'm loving everything else...

Cheese & Onion
Speaking English
HP Sauce

.........and English beer

Re: Speed cameras must be visible - Phil
Try cut and paste Tomo ;)

Martyn (mod) - this sort of thing is a good reason to have a look at some different BBS software. How about vBulletin or Ultimate Bulletain Board?
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - Martyn, Back Room moderator
Phil wrote:
> Try cut and paste Tomo ;)
> Martyn (mod) - this sort of thing is a good reason to have a
> look at some different BBS software. How about vBulletin or
> Ultimate Bulletain Board?

Ooops. Sorry (and especially sorry to Mark: I'll call you this pm of I can), I've been away for a couple of days with family problems.

We ARE having a look at different BBS software. More than that, we may well be writing our own so that it does just what we want it to do.
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - alvin booth
As regards copy/paste its much easier after highlighting the address to then right click the mouse which will bring up the copy option.
Then go to the present address at the top, click the left button at the right end of the existing address which will highlight it, and then the right button which will bring up the paste option.
Speed cameras must be visible - David Lacey
This depends upon if you are using a laptop (without a mouse) I guess.....whereas with a home PC with a mouse this option would be quicker.

Re: Speed cameras must be visible - alvin booth
Of course ..I hadn't thought of laptops.
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - Tomo
Thanks all, I'll try again.

I've really been lost since the separate condenser came in!
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - Tomo
Jings! It worked!

Mind you, I can change with a straight cut sliding pinion box and a clutch stop.
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - Tomo
Mind you, it would be better on extra-urban roads if they just painted the lenses black.
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - Tomo
Very good, only I expect the real geeks (is that the word) can fiddle it so I can't get at 'em; would it could be done in reverse.
Re: Speed cameras must be visible - Brian
I think everybody is aware of this. See recent threads, But
Two tips:
Install and regularly update anti-virus software
Set up "AAAAA" as a name in your address book without an e-mail address so that if you do get infected you don't pass it on.