Is there a simple way to tell if my colleagues Passat Est TDI SE 2002 has Discharge or Normal head lights. It has two spherical lenses for the Dip Beam and manual Height Control. It also has LHD and RHD control switch behind the N/S head light. This car was an import. Regards Peter
AFAIA, if a car's got manual height control for the lights, then it'll have normal head lights.
Thanks Dave, Any idea what the bulb is, is it an H2 60 W or what.
I take it the Golf has separate dip & main beam headlights?
If this is the case, they're more than likely H7's, which are single filament bulbs. No idea of wattage, but they'll probably be either 55 or 60 watt.
The type of bulb is usually stamped in small text on the lens, if it begines H, eg H7 they are Halogen, if D such as D2S they are Discharge!
If you switch them on and off it will be obvious, as they go on and off instantly instead of fading, also when first swiyched on, they go through a fancy starting procedure over a second or two where they change brighness and light intesnsity.