Just got the above car tested today for the first time - passed (as it should!) but the test centre told me that the waterpump appears to be leaking.
Can anybody advise if this is likely to be a big job, is it likely to be expensive, or is it something I should be able to manage myself (reasonably competent DIY mechanic!) without the need for special tools?
Thanks in anticipation.
Not sure which size engine this is. Assume its the 1 litre chain-can engine then its a pretty eary job - about 1.5 hours. Water pump is not expensive if you get it from a factor. Have you used non-Nissan OEM antifreeze? This can cause the seal to fail. Make sure you refill with Nissan antifreeze (about £3.50 a litre) - the system holds 4 litres, so you'll need 2l of a/freeze.
Thanks for that. Its the original antifreeze, presumably the dealer used Nissan but I'll bear that in mind.