Parked the car further up the drive than usual over the weekend, to allow a friend to get in behind me. Too close to the maple tree which shed its beautiful red leaves all over the bonnet and windscreen.
It was raining when I next drove it. Wipers cleared the windscreen OK but I didn't think to clear the bonnet. The leaves didn't fly off immediately - which they might have done had it been dry - but few up in small drifts.
Fortunately the windscreen wipers cleared them easily. But next time I'll sweep them off the bonnet first, as I would with snow!
I don't know about maples, but some of our local trees have leaves which, when damp, lose their colour - normally all over the BL**DY paintwork!
Don't think that's happened. Of course the other trees to avoid at all costs are lime trees! Sticky or what!
...flaming jacarandas....
Oak trees are bad,-they leach their colour very easily onto light paintwork.
be careful how you sweep those leaves off the bonnet. Otherwise they will act like sandpaper with any dirt that is already on the car.
Silver Birch seeds are a pain in the ****.
They get everywhere, particularly into the heater intake so that when, miles away from home, you put the fan on full you get a facefull of seeds.