What is life like with your car? Let us know and win £500 in John Lewis vouchers | No thanks
this one has to work - Altea Ego

now come on, this one MUST work

1/ its approved by the Ford Motor Company
2/ All those little green dots all get lined up so it MUST be working!
this one has to work - SjB {P}
Read the bottom of the page, and in faint type, the registered office is given as Latvia, even though only the US of A is targetted!
this one has to work - Robin Reliant
It's so good they've reduced the retail price from $79.00 to $49.00.

Bless 'em.
this one has to work - artful dodger {P}
I wonder if this is not another East European scam to collect dollars without shipping goods. The figures and Ford's information is not independantly verifiable. Would you buy from this slick web site with a strange .biz address and an address in Latvia? But there again there may be a million mugs in America whoi have!
this one has to work - Civic8
AAAArrr. Not another magnet..phew, thought you was serious for a second RF. I suspect many a buyer out there. could be pursuaded to buy one..Probably still will hence why they still do..
this one has to work - PhilW
"Not another magnet"
But what about all the improvements that have been made to magnet technology in the last few years?
this one has to work - David Horn
My A-Level Physics teacher would turn in his grave* if he could see that page. :) Since when have magnets been able to ionise things?

*Well, he would if he was in a grave, which he isn't.
this one has to work - madux
now come on, this one MUST work
1/ its approved by the Ford Motor Company

No it's not. It has been tested by a subsidiary of the FMC.
Like Kwikfit.
If it really worked wouldn't Ford fit it as standard?
this one has to work - Garethj
If I was being cynical of these results, I'd say the improvements came because the engine was running for 20 minutes and the baseline readings were taken when the engine was cold.
this one has to work - frostbite
Even the link doesn't work for me!

First couple of tries nothing happened, third time window opened and timed out.
this one has to work - Cardew
Even the link doesn't work for me!
First couple of tries nothing happened, third time window opened and
timed out.

Cos we are all on line buying them and they have now sold out - you really have missed out.

Mind you I have a few extra and for a consideration I might sell you one.
this one has to work - Altea Ego
how are your green dots cardew? mine are all so happy and regimented
this one has to work - Cardew
how are your green dots cardew? mine are all so happy
and regimented

I fitted 3 in series and mine are MUCH better than yours. Also my exhaust gasses are so pure I can use them to warm my house and save myself........
this one has to work - bka1
this one has to work - madf
"by way of its patented Neodymium super conductors..." as used in the Starship Enterprise.


this one has to work - David Horn
Perhaps it reverses the deflector polarity?
this one has to work - Civic8
>>It does work.... tried one on my peugeot diesel with no other modification/tuning or change in driving pattern and got a 20% increase in fuel economy - it takes time to take full effect as they tell you, but saved over £100 a year on diesel!

That is about £2 week. approx 22 miles.A few traffic jams and savings lost..Dont think thats much of a saving myself.
As regard it takes time to work..according to the way they describe it to work. It should work pretty much just after its fitted. I`ve heard no change of driving pattern before..

Dont forget. these companies only let you know of good reports
of their product.Rest go to recycling
this one has to work - No Do$h
.... tried one on my peugeot diesel with no
other modification/tuning or change in driving pattern and got a 20%
increase in fuel economy - it takes time to take full
effect as they tell you, but saved over £100 a year
on diesel!

So you only buy £500 of fuel in a year? Hardly the basis of a thorough and robust test and more likely due to the car getting one good blast through to decoke it after only doing 7,000 miles per year.

Absolute balderdash does it work. I'll eat this laptop if anyone provides conclusive empirical evidence. In fact I'll eat my PDA and desktop too.

A final thought..... if you are told to expect improvement over time, guess what? You're driving more than likely will change imperceptibly.

No Do$h - Alfa-driving Backroom Moderator
this one has to work - bka1
this one has to work - madf
"Perhaps it reverses the deflector polarity?"

No. You've got it all wrong. Please read carefully.

The flux field at the centre of the core is modified by the crystals which emit a strong beam of zeta particles. When these hit the fuel which is partially vaporised, the fuel molecules become polarised and separate from each other. The oxygen molecules also become polarised but with a different charge and diffuse through the mixture giving much superior burning.

As a result you use less acclerator so use less fuel.. hence the zytronic drive efficiency iproves when Mr Spock asks for more pwoer to Warp 10



this one has to work - tunacat
Just out of unbiased, abstract curiosity,

I wonder how many of this thread's contributors are church-goers?
this one has to work - blank
Just out of unbiased, abstract curiosity,
I wonder how many of this thread's contributors are church-goers?

Sorry, that's far too obscure for me.

I'll eat my whole desk if anyone can provide proper evidence of this rubbish working. Funny though!!
this one has to work - Manatee
Perhaps the reason it is advertised by a Latvian company is that complaints have been upheld against US vendors:


Presumably they can't touch you for it as long as you stay in Riga (and don't try to sell any to the Latvians).

I especially like the phrase in the report

"...Graphics in the ads showed unruly fuel molecules lining up in straight columns and rows after passing through the Super FuelMAX."
this one has to work - Robin Reliant
No way will I pay a rip-off $49.00 for one of those. I have loads of old magnets from cycle computers at home, and tomorrow I am going to pop into Pound Stretchers to buy some green dots, just to make sure I set the magnets up properly. Bit of Gaffer tape should secure them round the fuel pipe, and this time next week I shall be sitting here counting all the money I've saved.

Lovely jubbly!
this one has to work - No Do$h
2 people drive this car, and all I know is that
I'm saving money & you're not!!

The screen name is ironic, apropos naff all.

For the record I drive 25-30,000 miles a year and no matter how hard I hoof it or how leisurely my progress, how full the boot or how hollow the sound of the empty seats around me, I don't vary from the 38-42mpg range. Yes, the above factors do cause a variation, but never outside that range. It's far more common that my economy stays between 39 and 40.5, with the extremes mentioned above only cropping up once in a blue moon.

Perhaps it's because I drive past Glastonbury and Stonehenge so often the ley-lines have synchronised with my fuel pump?

Enjoy your 2/3rds of a can of fizzy drink a day (approx £100/year) but it's nothing to do with your magnet.
this one has to work - bka1
this one has to work - No Do$h
OK, let me quote in more detail.

Oh must you?


And you were robbed. They go for under a fiver if you're cute with your bidding.

No Do$h - Alfa-driving Backroom Moderator
this one has to work - bka1
this one has to work - Mark (RLBS)

I suspect that you are doing well out of these devices. In fact one might almost believe that you were selling them.

The device is rubbish. Everybody knows its rubbish, including you.

Only somebody who is extremely naive and gullible or somebody who is profiting from selling the device would try to argue its value. Which are you ?
this one has to work - bka1
I suspect that you are doing well out of these devices.
In fact one might almost believe that you were selling them.
The device is rubbish. Everybody knows its rubbish, including you.
Only somebody who is extremely naive and gullible or somebody who
is profiting from selling the device would try to argue its
value. Which are you ?

Well, why don't you try one, as our friend says - you can get one for a fiver on ebay, he must have got one too.
this one has to work - Dynamic Dave
you can get one for a fiver on ebay,

So that's where I've been going wrong!! Up till now I've been using fridge magnets. No wonder I'm not making a saving on fuel.
this one has to work - Mark (RLBS)
Given that you failed to answer my question I am going to assume that you have a vested interest.

Given that, then you need HJ's premission to advertise.

Given that, I am going to delete all of your comments and ensure that simply the negative ones remain.

One hour if you both care enough and can change my mind.

>>Well, why don't you try one,

Becauses its complete and utter garbage.
this one has to work - bka1
this one has to work - v8man
I'm going to sit on the fence on this one - not! This device is absolute rubbish just like the ones before it. As far as I know there is no credible research that proves whether these voodoo devices work.
\"Nothing less than 8 cylinders will do\"
this one has to work - AR-CoolC
What always supprises me is how QVC can get away with selling that magnet thing. If complaints have been up held in the US how come they aren't over here? Surely there must be complaints over here.

Amazing how many people believe that a nice man on the telly.
this one has to work - Garethj
Sounds great. What happens to the flux capacitor when you get it up to 88mph?
this one has to work - NowWheels
Sounds great. What happens to the flux capacitor when you
get it up to 88mph?

Wall, the molecules are all lined up. So if you try to swerve, they'll act as a gyroscope and keep you going straight on ...
this one has to work - Adam {P}
But surely at 88 mph, you've gone back in time, or back to the future so you wouldn't have a problem...gyroscopic effect or not...

My head hurts
this one has to work - NowWheels
My head hurts

Then you need to fit one these gadgets, to align the molecules in your brain ;-)

this one has to work - GICarey
Wow, it's got Neodymium in it too, must be high tech and cool, though probably not _much_ Neodymium as it costs about $1 per gramme and it looks rather bulky!

Incidentally, other uses for neodymium are as an additive for glass to increase its absorption (welding glass, etc) and for aiding coherence in lasers.

ain't google great? ;)

this one has to work - Stargazer {P}
NdFeB or neodynium Iron Boron magnets are typical of rare earth magnets, being very small and able to generate very strong magnetic fields. They can easily be manufactured in virtualy any shape and are relatively cheap.

They do however have one small drawback, their Curie point is relatively low, about 55degC IIRC, which means that if they are raised about this temp they permanently lose their magnetic properties and become usless junk. (I experimented with one and a mug of coffee!).

this one has to work - AR-CoolC
27 Neodynium (I have trouble saying that) magnets for a fiver.
this one has to work - Truckosaurus
An earlier 'miracle device' to save fuel was marketted through print advertisements advertising a certain percentage improvement in 'miles per gallon'. For their money people received a shaped block of wood to place under the accelerator.

My own tip to save fuel is to get out of bed a little earlier so you beat more traffic on the journey to work. Alternatively, have a lie in so you travel after everyone else. :-)
this one has to work - Civic8
A point no one has mentioned. these magnets are heavy. they put a lot of pressure on the fuel pipe..this weight causes premature failure of fuel pipe. in some cases a fire..This is one reason. I take them off whenever I see one. I do explain to owner before doing this..So far all agree
this one has to work - v8man
I'm looking at adding some Neodynium to the warp drive engine that I'm developing for my car.
\"Nothing less than 8 cylinders will do\"
this one has to work - madux
Would you like to borrow some lithium chrystals?
this one has to work - Civic8
>>"Nothing less than 8 cylinders will do"

How many magnets do you use ;-).Oh and wonder how many more threads will mention this Daft Magnet..I remember an ad that says one born every minute. Beginning to think it right. I have a hate for them as my above post mentioned..poss fire hazard. had experience of it many years ago..Not forgotten..Best advice
is leave well alone Ie dont buy...