I returned to my car, MkIII Golf, on Friday and noticed the O/S/F wheel was in a puddle but assumed it was water. No such luck, as soon as I pulled away I realised I had no power steering so parked up and looked underneath. Yep a perforated high pressure pipe from the steering box to the N/S rack was to blame. It was clear from the car park that when I reversed into the slot the leak started and slowly emptied the contents whilst I was away. Anyway, I called the GreenFlag office and arranged a truck. Whilst waiting I called VW and tried to arrange a replacement pipe. ? No sir we can not supply that part as it is part of the rack and that will be £452.00 plus vat. I phoned GSF and Euro parts but rack only. !!! So had the car delivered to my drive and started work. Cut the pipe and removed the banjo coupling from the steering box and then spent 2 hours removing the ½ inch AF compression fitting from the rack a bit of oxyacetylene shifted it eventually. Then spent 2 hours fabrication a new 6mm copper pipe, complicated shape but worth the effort. Fitted the new pipe, filled her up with fluid and hey pesto, perfect. A long job but the thought of having to change the rack and £452.00 plus vat was a no no. I did consider the scrap yard but these pipes are prone to corrosion as they are steel and very exposed, add to this that they yard owners would not want you disabling a whole rack for a single pipe so I decided to make my own. Not easy but great satisfaction when I drove off for a test drive. Tools required ½? open hex ring. 14 mm spanner oxyacetylene 300mm of 6mm copper (1/4?) 6mm drill, flaring tool, several skinned knuckles, six cups of tea and a bacon sandwich, and a load of luck for it to fit first time, Oh and a litre and a half of steering servo fluid.
Congratulations! That's the sort of job I wouldn't dare start.
How old is the car and how many miles has it done? I ask as a fellow Golf Mk III owner (VR6). I take it that the perforation was caused by corrosion.
M plate 95 92k miles. and yes steel painted pipes used as standard anf one was very corroded. Well worth getting underneath and cleaning these pipes and protecting them. Regards Peter