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Nothing to do with cars, but.... - Miller
.....I have to rant about the following:

People who have already put up their Xmas decorations! - WHY?, do you have nothing else to look forward to in life?, some people up my way must of had them up as soon they had finished setting off the last of their fireworks on bonfire night!

If I had my way any decorations, adverts on television or anything else which mentioned Christmas should be banned until the 1st December!

P.S. My middle name is Ebeneezer!
Re: Nothing to do with cars, but.... - Andy
Agreed, Eb! We put ours up 2 weeks before Christmas day, but some folks around here whack them up with about a month to go! Flashing too.......how crass.
Re: Nothing to do with cars, but.... - richard turpin
Why do you have to rant about anything?
merry christmas. - ladas are cool
we ALWAYS put the tree and decorations up on the 15th, and never earlier, i think it ruins that christmas spirit if you put them up too early.
Re: merry christmas. - The Growler
Oh dear oh dear, don't come to the Philippines then. Here it is commonly accepted that any month with "ber" in it is time for Christmas. IT is common to hear carols in the malls beginning late September and decorations start going up in early October.
Having had my ears assailed with the reggae version of liitle town of bethlehem at 15,000 watts every time I go to the supermarket I guarantee I am a lot mor e Ebenezer-ish than you.
IT is also the time of year of year when all thos epeople who utterly failt to do the jobs assigned to them for nine months of the year (security guards, parking attendants, policemen, especially policemen), all of a sudden become extremely friendly and solicitous.

My earliest noted carol by the way this year, was heard on September 20th.
Re: merry christmas. - Scrooge
There are all these dam' cards I have to do, and they are all my wife's friends!

But seeing all these ads for expensive junk aimed at kids, I feel really sorry for parents.
Re: merry christmas. - John Davis
Just DON'T do "all those cards". It has become a prime example of the crass insincerity which afflicts our modern life. The postal services collapse under the weight of all that junk mail, people who should know better have palpitations because they receive a card from someone whom they had forgotten to send to, and the sheer cost of it all defies reason. I NEVER get caught up in this pseudo sentimental bigotry but I do send a modest cheque to a charity, equal in value to the cost of the cards and stamps which I might have sent if I had fallen for this annual bout of hypocrisy.
(Another Scrooge, looking forward to a day in the garage on December 25th, carrying out a major service on the car)
Re: merry christmas. - Moosh
Hear! Hear!
I'll also seek 'refuge' in the garage from stupid Xmas TV.
what i want for christmas. - ladas are cool
all that i want for christmas is car parts and tools, as i will be using these, but what i will probably get, is packets of socks and other useless junk. last year the most useful thing i got was an in-car foot warmer that plugs into the ciggy lighter, but it was tartan, with a zip up side, it was the sort of thing you would give to a 80 year old.
Re: merry christmas. - Dwight Van-Driver
Well off tak,but being a new comer to the Web and EMail, what happens in relation to Xmas in cyberspace. Machine and sites like this gummed up with dross and BRM Martyn hard at work with his knife?
Re: merry christmas. - THe Growler
We could always turn it into "what's the most useless Christmas car present I ever got?" Sort of the automotive equivalent of the pyjamas I always get from my daughter-in-law.
Re: useless christmas present - Lee H
Starters for ten:

* Hand held battery powered (AA) vacuum claner. Made a good noise, didn't actually pick anything up. Probably cost $1

* Car tidy thing that was supposed to clip onto the rear of the back seat, dodgy cheap plastic, 16 pockets and entirely useless
Re: useless christmas present - Darcy Kitchin
Electric ice scraper that you plugged into cig lighter. Got too hot to hold, dropped it and it wrapped itself around widscreen wiper arm by the time I'd unplugged it.

I think it was from my stepmother so she may have had hidden agenda ....
Re: useless christmas present - The Growler
* stringback driving gloves (No matching cloth cap)

* impressive set of spanners (made in China) which buckled on first use

and for any one who got 3 chamois leathers but no car shampoo, I'll swap you one of my shampoos for one of your leathers....
Re: useless christmas present - ladas are cool
what i got last year was the zip up slipper that goes over both feet, which you plug into the ciggy lighter to heat it up (completely YUK), but what i asked for was a chamois leather, but got six of the things (good quality, but too many of them).
Re: useless christmas present - Ian (cape town)

* impressive set of spanners (made in China) which buckled on first use
Hey! I got those too! (By the way, is Chrome Vanadium supposed to rust?:( )
Re: useless christmas present - Martyn
bah - humbug
Re: useless christmas present - markymarkn
how the hell do you plan on driving with a huge slipper with both feet in thats plugged into the fag lighter?

Sounds like a bit of a bad design. Thats why you have fan heaters that blow at your feet.

cant see how there would be a market for this and why someone would be daft enough to invent one.
Re: useless christmas present - ladas are cool
its made for the passenger, but like you say, heaters do the same job, but the one thing i like about it is that when you break down you can keep your feet warm waiting for the RAC, (driving a lada its not IF you break down, its WHEN)
Re: useless christmas present - Julian Lindley

Couple of points!

I was obliged to work in North Africa for several months in the mid 1980's out in the sticks where sanitation was somewhat limited and hot water just a memory. Muslim nations do'nt celebrate Christmas so the combination of this and an air controllers strike accross Europe on Christmas eve brassed me off a little after 3 months of graft away from home. I got home by the skin of my teeth and avoided being sent to the garden shed by the wife and kids who were then very young.

The 2nd point is that my 19 year old daughter seems determined to start celebrating Christmas asap. Delightful child full of zest and enthusiasm for life together with lightening sharp replies for those who would prefer Christmas at a warmer time of the year and might try to reduce her enjoyment. Me, I just go along with it!

