hi, i decided to take the good advice supplied by you guys and bought the volvo v70 t5 ,glad i did brilliant car, however one more question on perusing the owners handbook it states that the coolant needs never changing, which to some one who has in the past always tried to change it every couple of years seems a bit strange, any views bearing in mind the engine is all aluminium alloy construction and i would have thought corrosion could a problem, or has the quality of antifreze moved on to a stage where this is inded the case? lastly anyone care to recomend a particular brand as volvo want a arm and a leg for theirs, thanks
sorry! i failed to look in the f.a.q.s, very informative thanks
I've just read the Anti-Freeze FAQ (at your prompting) and note that HJ doesn't recommend more than 5 years for any of the types of antifreeze listed.
Ford recommend 10 years for the pink antifreeze (probably OAT) in my Fusion diesel, so perhaps HJ's recommendations are a touch cautious. But "for life"? Only if Volvo don't think their cars will last 10 years!
P.S. Ford's pink antifreeze ("Motorcraft Super Plus") is a bit under £3 per litre at Ford dealers (50% dilution recommended).
See thread on Peugeot antifreeze - according to my Xantia Revue Technique, the antifreeze in post 2001 HDis does not need changing because of "l'adoption d'un nouveau type de liquide de refroidissement a duree de vie illimitee."- unlimited life anti freeze. I suspect Volvo must be now using similar.
The antifreeze quoted for HDis is Glysantin G33 or Revkogel 2000
Ok - I know, you don't need to say it- its only because Citroens won't last more than 5 years!!
I have always been uncomfortable about this. Gearboxes sealed for life, and 20,000 mile oil changes. Products certainly have improved, especially antifreeze, but I always consider the cost- benefit approach. Automatic gearbox oil change costs about £20 in materials, gearbox is £1,500.
For £20ish you can buy the best Volvo antifreeze, have a good flush out of the system and sleep at night knowning the engine will not freeze, or loose it's head gasket.
My VW Bora has a similar "for life" anti-freeze (G12 A8D at 40 per cent concentration), which is effective down to -25C and protects alloy parts in the cooling system against corrosion.
If there is, by any chance, a need to top up or an additive with the specification TL-VW 774 CD listed on the container, it must be done at a 40 per cent concentration to maintain the protection.
VW highlights that it is the only coolant that can be used, cannot be mixed with other additives including its own G 11, that using the wrong additives can be very detrimental to the anti-corrison effect and that the subsequent corrosion damage can lead to coolant loss, resulting in major engine damage.
It adds that G 12 is red in colour - if it is brown its has been mixed with another additive and should be changed immediately to avoid potential serious functional failures or engine damage.
I normally take such "don't use other products" warnings with a pinch of salt, but in these sort of cases it's not worth risking your engine.
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