A 1998 renault scenic turbo-diesel with new glow plugs starts easily from cold only when facing downhill; other car positions mean long spells of churning the starter motor. This "interesting" problem is an absolute pain in the neck (and ears) and is spoiling what is in many ways a nice car. Any ideas would be most welcome thank you.
This may be a viable theory :-
I am unfamiliar with this engine/car, but it could be that when facing uphill and left standing, fuel might be draining back from the low pressure side of the system via the filter to the tank. Whereas when facing downhill, the filter housing may be higher than the fuel system thus elliminating the problem. This may be compounded by an injection system air-leak, which is one of the mnore common causes of 'difficult' starting in diesels.
As Roly has said, it is an air leak into the low pressure system - no fuel will leak out but small amounts of air will get in, giving rise to this fuel drainback overnight.
Perseverence is the only option here - checking every inch of the fuel lines and the corresponding connections - all of them.
Best of luck.
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