Call me stupid if you will but I have a question that is probably soo darn obvious but
Wifes 1993 Metro (cue laughter), runs fine when rolling along, when stationary (ery?) engine runs a bit rough, has been known to cut out, have just noticed small holes appeared in silencer from corrosion.
Would I be correct in thinking this could be the cause of the problem, has been fine until past few days and have coincedentaly noticed exhaust blowing?
Cheers all
Drink Lager Talk Piffle !
which box? There are 2 or 3 on a Metro. Also is it carb or injection?
Carb and its the rear box.
Drink Lager Talk Piffle !
1.1 or 1.4?
roughly whereabouts in the country are you?
How many miles per week does it do? long or short journeys?
When did it last have a cambelt? or a service?
How many miles has it done overall?
1.1, New Forest, 30-60, mostly 2-3 miles sometimes 15 or so, no idea about cambelt, service about 4000 miles ago which come to think about it was a couple of years ago now.
25k total.
Wow I didnt think it was going to be that complicated, told you I was clueless!
Drink Lager, Talk Piffle !
I would replace exhaust. if the problem exists after doing so. post again. exhaust blows can cause umpteen probs. its also MOT failure. I think its chain driven not cambelt. though some one will correct me if wrong?
Was mech1
I thought all K series engines were belt driven cams. The older A series metro had a chain the same as a mini..
I have replaced the cam belts on my previous metros, the first a 1.4 GTi and the second a 1.1s with a carb.
However, I do seem to recall the K series being either a wet liner or dry liner engine depending on age, dont know if that makes a difference but I doubt it!
You are right. though It wasnt stated as to what cc it was...Only date. and I didnt read properly which didnt help
Was mech1
now I`ve read properly. May only need idle speed adjusted. If you have no other problems ie missfiring poor acceleration ect. Apart from what DL/Number Cruncher said.
I would replace rear box as it will affect performance.
Was mech1
when stationary (ery?) engine runs a bit rough, has been known to cut out, have just noticed small holes appeared in silencer from corrosion.
It's probably drawing air in through the holes in the exhaust when on tickover. When you're motoring along, the air hasn't got a chance of entering. Probably affecting the performance as well as the holes will cause loss of back pressure.
A small hole in the tailpipe won't cause stalling.
A carburettor adjustment or an ignition problem or even water in the fuel are what I'd be looking for.
-- - Pictures say a thousand words.....
Yes, I agree,
I would probably have a quick look in the suction chamber of the carburettor - SU carbs really benefit from being spotlessly clean in there.
Cheers all for the assistance, new rear box fitted, no change, as I am an idiot when it comes to fixing anything I will get it looked at by a proffesional, engine diagnostic and a tune up, suppose I should get it serviced too!
Hope its better by next week or 'er indoors is going to want a new motor.
Drink Lager, Talk Piffle !
Check out vacuum pipes to inlet manifold.any slight splits in a connecting pipe may cause it.Common prob on rover/metro.
Was mech1
Good point steve.o.
Don't know much about these Metros, but my Polo ran poorly with a small split in the breather pipes. It would stall easily and have a rough, lumpy and unsteady idle. With all breather pipes replaced, it made a huge difference.
Plus a good service (after all, its overdue by 12 months isn't it?) wont go far wrong.
Its fixed, apparantly a diaphragm in the carb needed replacing, and it helped having a service n tune too.
Cheers for the help anyway.
Drink Lager, Talk Piffle !
I wasn't aware there were any diaphragms in the SU.
The SU KIF Carburettor as fitted to the Metro has a power valve diaphragm on the side - a very common failure....
-- - Pictures say a thousand words.....
As Number Cruncher..Wasnt 93 change over from carb to single point injection ie cat??
Was mech1