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Not again ........ - FfwlCymraeg
I hope today isn't a repeat of September 11th.
Re: Not again ........ - ian (cape town)
Indeed ... I'm jusyt watching CNN now ...
Re: Not again ........ - Ian Bishop
God bless any casualties of it all
Re: Not again ........ - Alwyn
News on Freeserve says an engine fell off and terrorism is being discounted.

Just passed the news to my wife who works at an aircraft factory next to BAE Sytems which makes the wings for the A300.
Re: Not again ........ - Kev
I think our thoughts should be with the innocent casualties and family and friends of them. But I feel we shold not jump to conclusions, from what I have heard and seen, an engine did indeed fall off and land by a petrol station. It would strike me as strange as a terrorist attack, as it was not diverted anywhere, it went up, and came down.
Also, it strikes me as strange to change their tactic to either sabbotage or a bomb.
I too hope to god that it isn't a repeat, but we will have to wait and see what the accident investigators discover.
Re: Not again ........ - ladas are cool
on such a small strip of land, i find it strange that the pilot didnt get the plane into the water. also its veterans day, and its 2 months and a day since the twin towers, which means that i think its a terrorist attack.
Re: Not again ........ - FfwlCymraeg
But the pilot did dump fuel into the sea apparently.

All very strange, but that is why I think it's an accident, but only time will tell.

At least the Northern Alliance are kicking Taliban butt in the Hindu Kush.

Re: Not again ........ - ladas are cool
i didnt know that the pilot had dumped fuel.
Re: Not again ........ - FfwlCymraeg

FfwlCymraeg, whoever you are, keep out of my way for a while, ok?

[Back Room Moderator]
Re: Not again ........ - Randolph Lee
he did not dump...any one who knows anything about that model of a300-600 knows that it does not have dump valves...

press reports of this as is the norm are not very good... think now folks whenyou see a news story on some subject on which you have expert knowledge... how often have they gotten it right?

the question is was the falure of the engine caused by it being a 9500+hour engine due for it's major overhaul at 10,000 hrs and 2500 hours since it's last hot section (or perhaps the other engine just 500+hours out of its major Engines at either extreme of their life cycle are more prone to failure) was it a bird strike or other FOD? was it a bomb... etc.the NTSB will tell us in time... right now it is all guess work and it makes me angery to watch it... as to why he did not ditch in the water... if the pilots had any control at all they would have.... the flight path in relation to that SID shows that thay had none.

~R (I am a retired airline pilot who avoids Airbus when ever I can... I do not like philoshphy behind the way they do fly by wire but I was raised on the old fashoned way of flying and like most ex pilots I am not a good pasenger)
Re: Not again ........ - David W
Hi Randolph,

Interesting informed details.

Do you still fly anything smaller for fun, got a T.33 or Super Sabre tucked away for weekends?

Sick joke - David Lacey
Sick. No other words suitable.
press "truth" - Randolph Lee
No David,

I hung it all up about 10 years ago for medical reasons (High Blood Pressure) but I keep my contacts with friends that still fly and one of them is an AA line Capt.. on the A300-600

We had a long chat yesterday about the press 'hype' and its general reporting of this crash...in this case of the dumping story the source was the Gov. of New York at a press conference... hardly an expert source... people on the ground likely saw fluid and vapour streaming from the plane after its integrity had been breached... if the source was say a pilot who did not have knowledge of this type of AC the story was born... but it was sloppy reporting not to check it against the facts

As a Line pilot you get a full first class medical every 6 months and each time your job is on the line (as it should be) it is only in the last year or so that my health has improved to the point that I could now try for a waver and get a 3rd class medical which would let me fly as a private pilot again... I have not yet decided to try that though... 10 years is a long time and I have a streak in me to do things 'right' which would entail a month or so of intensive training to get my skills back to a level I would be happy with... (Plus the cost of flying toys is high and their MPG puts a SUV in the frugal list)

for those worried about flying... - Mark (Brazil)
try looking at this web page...


Essentially NTSB stats around death/injury per mile flown, passenger carried, number of flights.

You really are pretty safe.
Re: for those worried about flying... - John Slaughter

As I always say - the dangerous thing about flying is the drive to and from the airport.


Re: Not again ........ - Mark (Brazil)
I'm not entirely sure what this statement means, but anyway..........

NTSB investigators combed through the wreckage Monday and found the plane's cockpit voice recorder.

NTSB Chairwoman Marion Blakey said all communications from the cockpit were normal. She said the only voices heard on the cockpit voice recorder were those of the pilot and the co-pilot.

"We have recovered the cockpit voice recorder, and in fact everything we have learned at this point from that as well as other sources tell us that we are proceeding appropriately in considering this to be an accident," Blakey said.
Re: Sick joke - Randolph Lee
that is beyond sick you should ask Martin to remove it. there is a point where black humor crosses the bounds of even bad taste and that goes far past those bounds

todays news is that the engines seemed to be OK on first look and it is looking like a failure in the tail section as the proximate cause... the big question will be is what caused said failure...

Re: Sick joke - Lee H
I'd agree with Randolph, maybe Martyn should remove this. There is a tide of "emotional correctness" sweeping us, but that particular post is in very poor taste considering the huge loss of life in Queens.


PS - If he'd also be so kind as to remove my Insanity Test post for totally different reasons, I'd be grateful....
Re: Sick joke - Martyn [Back Room moderator]
Lee H wrote:

> PS - If he'd also be so kind as to remove my Insanity Test
> post for totally different reasons, I'd be grateful....

Gone! See my remark to Randolph Lee: email me if you want something like this done. I'll do my best to help.

(However, everyone please note: if I delete a particular post because its author has second thoughts, that deletes all the dependent posts as well.)
Re: Sick joke - Martyn [Back Room moderator]
Randolph Lee wrote:
> that is beyond sick you should ask Martin to remove it.

It's removed.

Incidentally, Randolph, if you or anyone else spots something objectionable before I do, don't hesitate to email me (thanks, Mark).

I had doubts about this thread from the start. But I left it in because at some times we need to be able to express our feelings, and to brand this as off-topic seemed churlish. Maybe I should trust my first thoughts more.