I have a VW MK2 Golf 1300.
Two weeks ago I put in a new radiator.
Unfortunately now the coolant temperature dial stays at zero.
Has the temperature sensor (fixed on thermostat housing) become faulty?
Is it a coinsidence that it has become faulty after a radiator change or is there more to it?
I have removed & replaced the sensor to release any possible trapped air?
The radiator and thermostat works fine.
How do I test the temperature sensor, to see if still works?
A new one costs £25.
Can't you dip it in your mug of tea?
Was that meant to be funny?
Was mech1
If it has single cable connection to it.ie earth.take it off and short to any metal part of engine.if the guage rises to top of scale that answers the question ie sender gone.
Was mech1