Today: Harpenden Classics on the Common - Roger Jones
For any classics enthusiasts within reach of Harpenden, it\'s Classics on the Common this evening. Restricted to cars over 20 years old (my Capri doesn\'t quite make it), it is nevertheless likely to attract over 1500 participants. Harpenden\'s not very large: travel by train!
Today: Harpenden Classics on the Common - Vansboy
I only got reminded this pm - they always keep it fairly low profile, 'cos theres no proper parking n stuff.

Looks a very nice evening for it, though!

well worth the journey!

Today: Harpenden Classics on the Common - spikeyhead {p}
Didn't know anything about this until to late, or I'd have made the journey, 15mins on teh train and about ten miins walk total. Would definately have been worth it.

I'll try better next year.
I read often, only post occasionally
Today: Harpenden Classics on the Common - Roger Jones
Sorry about the late notice, but make a diary note for next year. As these things go, it's pretty good, the compact site actually enhancing the enjoyment. For example, I saw:

* At at least four DeLoreans.

* More Ferraris than I could count.

* Some excellent vintage and veteran vehicles -- plenty of Bentleys, RRs, Vauxhalls.

* Plenty of elegant 1950s marques to remind me of my early youth.

* Several dozen US barges from the 1920s onwards, including the early 1960s mega-barges that were probably the largest cars ever. A 1980s Chevrolet Caprice brought a tear to my eye: my favourite hire car in thousands of miles of business travelling over there.

* Dozens of E-types and one road-version two-seater D-type.

* A sprinkling of unashamed hot-rods.

* A procession of three identical Dodge Vipers making their way there.

* A nice large cluster of motorbikes -- Vincents, Royal Enfields, Triumphs, fishtails of various types, etc.

* And, perhaps the star of the show, an amazing rear-engine V8 1950s Tatra in immaculate condition, together with half a dozen companions of that marque or similar.

Although I am a long-term Harpenden resident, I had never actually been to the show before. The website speaks of 1800 participants last year, and this year could have been up to that level. Anyway, it was very pleasant way to spend an hour or two on a balmy summer evening. If you can, do spare yourself the traffic grief and get there by train, from which the show is a five-minute walk.

What I don't understand is how someone managed to tip a Honda Civic (or similar) on its side in a neighbouring street that is normally fit for use at not much more than 20 mph because of parked cars on one side, an end-on parking lot on the other side, and two humps. I can't recall such an incident in the centre of the town in 30 years. Come to think of it, it was also difficult to understand why it needed five police vehicles to attend to it. Where are they when you really need them?
Today: Harpenden Classics on the Common - patently
And for those going next year, don't forget that Harpenden is one the (very much) nicer areas of Hertfordshire, so take care with the pronunciation.

After me, everyone....

Today: Harpenden Classics on the Common - Roger Jones
Har, har, har.
Today: Harpenden Classics on the Common - Mapmaker
Pen, pen, pen.

::Who's going to finish this one off?::
Today: Harpenden Classics on the Common - just a bloke
Pen, pen, pen.
::Who's going to finish this one off?::

Den, den, den
