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Getting spiders out of my garage - Ivor E Tower
Over the past few months, there has been an increase in the number of cobwebs that apear overnight inside the garage, to the extent that it is getting almost impossible to get into the car each morning without encountering at least one web inside the garage. Has anyone got any ideas how to stop this? A good cleanout with the broom at roof level, and down the upper part of the walls, has done little to impove matters.
Keep it sensible please!
Getting spiders out of my garage - Civic8
I find fly killer spray works a treat.(after all they eat flys)give garage a spray in areas they may hide.I expect others to know a better method.interesting one that?
Was mech1
Getting spiders out of my garage - Ian (Cape Town)
Amazing what you find on the web these days...

Getting spiders out of my garage - volvoman
I've got an ultrasonic unit which repels insects, mice, rats etc. It only cost a few pounds, has 3 intensity settings and simply plugs into the electrical supply via a transformer. It works well - I have no problem with spiders anymore and even the mice who got used to eating my Basmati rice on a regular basis have given up now. I've seen similar items which plug into a wall socket and then emit some sort of 'energy' through the household wiring ciruits and again claim to repel pests very effectively without harming them. Don't know how well these work though. Bought my unit at Costco knowing I could take it back with no problems if it didn't work. I've still got it!
Getting spiders out of my garage - Altea Ego
If you really want to kill all the spider in your garage, then a greenhouse pest smoke bomb will do the trick.

Keep them tho, spdiers are good (except redbacks)
Getting spiders out of my garage - Adam {P}
On the subject of spiders,
also in my garage we have them but tend to leave them. However, the other day I saw one which, not meaning to exagerate, was absolutely huge. It's actualy body was about the size of a £2 coin but it's legs made id massive. I tried to put a pint glass over it but it was too big and then shot off so I gave up. I have never in my life seen a spider as big as this...well...maybe a tarantula but not in my garage. What the hell was it???

No it didn't have a red hourglass on it's back before you ask.


Getting spiders out of my garage - just a bloke
On the subject of spiders,
also in my garage we have them
but tend to leave them. However, the other day I saw
one which, not meaning to exagerate, was absolutely huge. It's actualy
body was about the size of a £2 coin but it's
legs made id massive. I tried to put a pint glass
over it but it was too big and then shot off
so I gave up. I have never in my life seen
a spider as big as this...well...maybe a tarantula but not in
my garage. What the hell was it???
No it didn't have a red hourglass on it's back before
you ask.

A spider that big should be paying rent!

Getting spiders out of my garage - Ivor E Tower
Much as I would like to leave them alone, and I know that there are dozens living in the house etc, I really don't want them in the garage thank you. Looks like I'll take Volvoman's advice and search out one of the ultrasonic thingies.
Getting spiders out of my garage - GrumpyOldGit
As mentioned above, it's purely seasonal. The males are out and about looking for females, and the young ones are spreading out looking for a safe home. Leave them alone and it will sort itself out. They will eat each other until there are very few, or even just one, left in the garage. Mind you, that one could be like the one above that wouldn't fit into a pint glass :-O

If you kill them all you'll end up with dozens of flies, moths etc in your garage.
Getting spiders out of my garage - Insect
The reason why there are a lot of spiders around now is that we are in the middle of the breeding season and there are a lot of spiderlings (techspeak!)about. Some of the commonest species climb up something, spin a thread, jump off and float away down wind. A few find their way into your garage, are relatively undisturbed there and spin webs to see what they can catch. Spiders exchange gases ('breathe') via gills, which need to be damp to work properly, so your garage must be on the damp side. (Relatively few species can survive in a modern, dry centrally-heated house, the most conspicuous of which is Tegenaria, the big, black scuttling one that most people will recognise). If you can dry your garage out you should not get a permanent problem - be better for the car, too!
As you may gather, my thread nickname is no coincidence ( and before anyone tries to catch me out, I know spiders aren't insects) I did once drive an Alfa Spider, appropriately enough; less appropriate than a VW beetle but a better car!
Getting spiders out of my garage - Rob C
This thread is giving me spinal shivers, even the thought of spiders scares me.

And Adski's spider...well if anyone has ever seen the Phil Jupitus stand up routine where he classifies spiders into four...well, classes..., Adski's is a Class 4, meaning he should immediately move out and sell the house.
Getting spiders out of my garage - Clanger
"This thread is giving me spinal shivers, even the thought of spiders scares me."

Hysterical arachnophobe over here as well. Thank Goodness I married someone who can deal with the blighters.
Stranger in a strange land
Getting spiders out of my garage - Stargazer {P}

Redbacks are small, approx 20mm across including the legs, if you want large try a golden orb spider (body 30mm and legs over 100mm across) or a huntsman (body 30mm and legs up to 200mm across).....both harmless to us.

I have a photo somewhere of a huntsman on the wall by our front door in Oz....it completely spans a single brick.

to get this back to motoring...huntsman spiders like nice dry spaces in houses and garages, used to have one inhabiting the engine bay of a work car....until it crawled out of the ventilator in front of me while driving...it didnt survive.

Ian L.
Getting spiders out of my garage - BazzaBear {P}
try a golden orb spider (body 30mm and legs
over 100mm across) or a huntsman (body 30mm and legs up
to 200mm across).....both harmless to us.

They might be harmless, but I'd still run until I'd put at least two counties between us.
Is this thread giving anyone else the heeby jeebies, or is it just me?
Getting spiders out of my garage - just a bloke
Is this thread giving anyone else the heeby jeebies, or is
it just me?

Bears are supposed to like spiders to eat...

or maybe you are just "chinless" ...Ho ho ho...

JaB :D
Getting spiders out of my garage - BazzaBear {P}
Not this bear, give me a picnic basket any day. Or some John West salmon ;)

I think I'm being dense, I don't get the chinless thing, sorry. :o
Getting spiders out of my garage - Pugugly {P}
Buy or even better re-home a Spaniel. Chasing spiders is what they were born for.
Getting spiders out of my garage - just a bloke
Buy or even better re-home a Spaniel. Chasing spiders is what
they were born for.

I have 3 cats thye love it whern I let them in my garage whihc I don't do very often cos the sleep on the hood of my spider <:<

Getting spiders out of my garage - just a bloke
Not this bear, give me a picnic basket any day. Or
some John West salmon ;)
I think I'm being dense, I don't get the chinless thing,
sorry. :o

Er.. sorry a brainfade :o

Forget about it....

Getting spiders out of my garage - Ivor E Tower
Gets more intriguing (sp?). Garage is definitely not damp. It's set half-height into earth as we live on a slight slope, and has a flat roof that drains well (re-covered with 2 layers of roofing felt stuff a few years ago, and it doesn't leak). Most of the webs are fairly high up - it has open rafters/cross beams above the car, and a window at the end opposite the up-and-over door. It is at this far end where most of the webs seem to be appearing. Maybe the spiders don't know about glass and spin the webs hoping that inspects will fly into them, but of course the glass stops this happening. Hopefully in a few weeks things will be better.
Do seem to rmember something about leaving an open tin of cellulose paint or thinners overnight can have interesting effects on insects in the garage. Anyone able to shed any light on that?
Getting spiders out of my garage - Happy Blue!
Dear IET....I see you never did construction technology at school; well neither did I, but as the honorary Chartered Surveyor to the BR let me advise.

A garage built into the ground so that the soil is half up to the roof will be damp by definition. The chances are the garage is solid brickwork (not cavity) and bricks are porous, especially if they have been underground for decades. The garage will maintain a relatively constant temperature throughout the year, will not freeze, and the gentle flow of air from an open window in teh summer will create the best environment for the type of spider that spins this type of web.

Your garage sounds identical to that in my old house (sold last year) built in 1934. It's just inevitable. These spiders won't, don't and can't harm you, and are probably doing you favour, eating all the greenfly etc. They will go soon. Instead, read THHGTTG (answer 42).
Espada III - well if you have a family and need a Lamborghini, what else do you drive?
Getting spiders out of my garage - HF
As many have said, spiders are good!

Ok so I'm not too keen on the massive ones that invade my bath, but then I don't often bath in the garage so that is going too off-subject.

Keep them - in this country they are unlikely to cause harm, and very likely to cause a lot of good.
Getting spiders out of my garage - Adam {P}
This thread got me looking for Boris (as I affectionately call him now) and I can't find him. Where he's gone I dont' know although I have a theory. From the garage to the house we have a pipe which holds the wires for the power and the alarm. It's just smaller than a drainpipe but conceivably large enough for old Boris to climb down. I'm thinking I could go into the dining room one morning and there he is...looking at me....ready to pounce..

Anyone want to buy a house?

Getting spiders out of my garage - malteser
Roaches are creepier than spiders! My daughter's cat (in Spain)used to catch the blighters and drop them in her bedroom (we were using it at the time - long story) and the beasties made horrid scratching noises as the tried to find a safe corner.
Up-ending beds at 3:30 am chasing lightening fast roaches was a prime sport!
Roger in Spain
Getting spiders out of my garage - HF

Boris will more than likely be hiding in your garage, waiting to make sure that he can spindle his way onto your removal van if ever you move house.

Big Boris is watching you - and you will never escape him ;)

Getting spiders out of my garage - THe Growler
Yup, roaches are the worst. What my maid does is put those mothballs round the drains and the vents outside and in our bathrooms, which seems to keep them at bay.

I heard it said cockroaches can survive a nuclear explosion and still proliferate.

Now then back to motoring, where's my tyre pressure gauge, I have work to do.

Getting spiders out of my garage - Stuartli
According to current advertisements, ants can survive for up to nine days under water - or is it 14 days?
Getting spiders out of my garage - L'escargot
<< These
spiders won't, don't and can't harm you,

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly, followed by a spider etc. Didn't do her any good at all!
L'escargot by name, but not by nature.
Getting spiders out of my garage - Stuartli
A flat roof that drains well.......?
Getting spiders out of my garage - Dynamic Dave
Motoring please.

Getting spiders out of my garage - Stuartli
Beg, steal or borrow a copy of today's Daily Mail (08/07), turn to page 71 and all the facts will be there before you.