I have a K reg Peugout 405 TD estate.
Is there any special procedure for pressing back the pistons in my front brake calipers?
ABS or not make sure pressure is applied to both sides of piston.damage may occur to bore of piston if pressure applied to one side only.only takes a scratch to mess up caliper.if so replace both.never replace one caliper only
undo allen key bolt,open brake fluid resovoir(cap off to release pressure,then use a g clamp to slowly push back piston ,got this tip from dl or mech1 i thinks......tis good yar
I think I remember that post.forgot to mention here.Sorry got fed up with mech1.twas old nickname working with fords years ago.
Not sure about the front calipers, but I used to have a 1988 GTX with rear discs - the back calipers seized and I had to fit two reconditioned ones. The pitsons were not smooth on the surface and had strange notches to fit circlip pliers into. I think the manual recommended turning the piston whilst moving it back into the caliper. This may be just a peculiarity of the rear calipers and the front ones may be 'normal' - i.e. you just get a small G cramp and squeeze the piston back, using a small bit of wood between the G cramp head and piston face to even out the pressure.