Reading this morning's Telegraph, Skoda appear to have an accent over their 'S'. Is this new, or have I just been very unobservant?
And if so, anybody know what this does to the pronunciation? Does it make it a Shkoda?
Mrs V comes from that part of the world and reliably? informs me the pronunciation is indeed Shkoda but with less emphasis on the 'O' than we would normally use.
Another pub quiz?
Merely the product of an over-fecund imagination (and the Oxford to London commuter service).
Correct, though it is V not ^.
Pronounced correctly, this makes it SHKODA not SKODA.
Although it isn't the reason for the name in this case, SHKODA is also how you pronounce "It's a shame" in Czech! Really rather a shame, actually!
Thanks to my gorgeous wife for the Czech lessons over the past 6 years.
It's stamped with an accent on the cylinder heads of Favorits if that's any help :)
It has always been there. It was on my Dad's 1978 (not very) Super Estelle.
Curiously, Skoda advertising in the UK reflects the Czech pronunciation of the car models (Fahbia, Octahvia) but not the brand itself.
(I tried copying and pasting the 'S' with the accent from the Skoda site but a preview showed that this site wouldn't be able to cope with it. Time to get out more I think...)
(I tried copying and pasting the \'S\' with the accent from the Skoda site but a preview showed that this site wouldn\'t be able to cope with it.
The preview doesn\'t always paint a true picture. You\'re right, it doesn\'t look right in preview, but sorts itself out when posted.
?koda ?koda ?koda ?koda
Just pronounce it as you might after an evening of Czech's other great product - all the way from Pilsen!