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Volvo (PoloGirl got a 2:1!!) - PoloGirl
Got an interview coming up to work in marketing at dealership level for Volvo. Not sure I actually want it as I suspect it will be too admin-like (making sure the adverts make the local paper on time - hardly what I\'ve spent 3 years at uni to do) and would prefer to work at head office level, but hey, if they offer me lots of money and a car I\'d be mad to turn it down! ;-)

So... feel free to tell me everything you know about Volvo as it\'s one of the few brands I know virtually nothing about - don\'t think I am quite in their target demographic yet! I know it\'s owned by Ford (isn\'t it?) and that\'s about it!


Volvo - Altea Ego
PG, yes you are correct its owned by Ford. Bear in mind however, that Volvo has more strings to its bow than cars. Has a large truck division, a marine engine division and an agriculture machinery arm.

Not sure how much Ford has invaded Volvo, but Ford as a company is very regimented, and a lot of control has been moved from the UK to germany and the US.
Volvo - Wales Forester
They also manufacture bus and coach chassis and have a reasonable share of that market in the UK.

Volvo - NowWheels
They also manufacture bus and coach chassis and have a reasonable
share of that market in the UK.

Maybe can we look fwd to PoloGirl expounding the merits of Volvo bendy buses, siuch as this one: www.slt56.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/classic/Uxbridge/jp...g ;-)

Volvo - SjB {P}
They also manufacture bus and coach chassis and have a reasonable
share of that market in the UK.

Volvo Cars, owned by Ford, is now quite separate to Volvo Group, which manufactures trucks, buses, construction equipment, marine power, and aircraft engines to name but a few, all of which is nothing to do with Ford.

Go to www.volvo.com/group/global/en-gb/productsandservic.../ and you will see not a single mention of cars.
Volvo - Martin Wall

www.volvocars.co.uk - for cars in the UK

Ford only bought the car operation as part of its Premier Auto Group - they don't own the rest.

www.volvo.com - the global site (not cars) - probably not worth reading this too much as I presume it's Volvo Cars you will be working for!

Volvo - Ivor E Tower
Volvo cars owned by Ford, rest of Volvo products still owned by AB Volvo of Sweden. Volvo founded around mid 1920's IIRC and headed for a long time by Pehr Gyllenhamer (sp?) whose father I believe preceded him. Pehr is now a senior director of Aviva (Norwich Union??)IIRC. Volvo cars focus on safety and reduced impact on the environment. First european car company to fit laminated windscreens, side impact bars, 5mph impact absorbing bumpers etc. Main emphasis has been on family cars and Volvo were first to offer an "estate" car of sorts. Certainly up until mid 1970's, a sizeable proportion of bits going into Volvos was sourced from within the UK. Now that it's owned by Ford I suspect that this has changed as the Ford accountants take over and start to get cheaper bits fitted to the cars. There is now no such thing as the "typical Volvo owner" as the range of products has widened over recent years under chief designer/sylist Peter Horbury who is british and who has subsequently been promoted to head Ford's premier auto group (PAG) styling - Volvo is part of the PAG. Volvo cars are now produced in Sweden and Belgium (and possibly Norway, not too sure on that one) - oh, and Volvo pioneered the use of teams to build complete cars rather than the traditional assembly line, at their plant in Kalmar which I think is in Norway (see earlier query).
HTH - if not, can I have the job if you don't get it?
Volvo - SjB {P}
Volvo was formed by Assar Gabrielsson and Gustaf Larson, their first car, the 1.9 litre Jakob, being produced in 1927.

The word "Volvo" is Latin for "I roll", and was originally registered as a trademark by the Swedish bearing company SKF, who also bankrolled production of the first thousand cars.

Volvo - Hugo {P}
Best of luck for the interview anyway!

Remember, be enthusiastic about the job and the company and the products. Even if you find the job's a load of carp, stick with it for a little while. In my experience those with enthusiasm and get up and go tend to shine at the most menial jobs and naturally progress, either within the organisation or are offered better jobs outside.

Talking of Volvos, you may get Volvoman here soon. Advising people into employment is actually his profession and he's very good at it. He could give you some interview prep tips and believe me, he's well worth listining to.

good luck!

Volvo - Hugo {P}

Me again. I've just contacted Charles, who is also on this forum. He has worked for at least one Volvo dealership, albe it a few years ago. Hopefully he'll be along in a minuite so keep your eyes on this thread.

Volvo - paulb {P}
Volvo was formed by Assar Gabrielsson and Gustaf Larson, their first
car, the 1.9 litre Jakob, being produced in 1927.

Also more boringly named the OV4 open tourer (in Sweden with their winters, for goodness' sake!) and its enclosed sibling, the PV4......

The word "Volvo" is Latin for "I roll", and was originally
registered as a trademark by the Swedish bearing company SKF, who
also bankrolled production of the first thousand cars.

......and indeed AB Volvo was a dormant subsidiary company of SKF.

No, I'm not that sad, it's just that my Dad bought a 245 DL in 1982 and, wanting to get on board with the whole Volvo thing, bought a copy of "The Story of Volvo Cars" by Graham Robson, which finishes with the launch of Volvo's wonderful new model for the 1980s, the 760 GLE!

I'll get me anorak.......
Volvo - Avant
I recruit trainees for a firm of chartered accountants (don't yawn yet) and we are seeking to avoid the same image as Volvo - we're looking for people who aren't boring and have that vital spark that will make a difference to the business.

If the job is in marketing they will be looking for someone who identifies with their objective - which is presumably to project the idea that Volvos are good to drive as well as being safe and functional.

You'll have done your research - relate to the interviewer and his / her objectives, and above all (at the risk of sounding patronising which I don't mean to) - be yourself.

Good luck

Volvo - No Do$h
Why not see if you can get yourself a test-drive in an S40 so you can wax lyrical about it beating your expectations, not at all the old volvo image, blah blah blah.

Volvo - Dalglish
hardly what I've spent 3 years at uni to do) and would prefer
to work at head office level, but hey, if they offer me lots
of money and a car I'd be mad to turn it down! ;-)


in my personal experience, there very few jobs that need the application of much of the formal learning from 3 years at uni.

jobs in good companies are hard fought for, especially now that blair is churning out graduates to meet his 50% graduates target.

decide whether you like the company, location, workplace, ambience, etc., and then if you have the right attitude to work you can aand will rapidly progress from the menial tasks that will be thrown at you initially.

check out where volvo.uk and ford.uk fit in the sunday-times table of good employers.
Volvo - Chas{P}

You need to establish a few things:

Will you be working for a franchised dealer, an agency supplier to Volvo or Volvo Car UK? You may have to drill down quite a bit to establish this.

Marketing at dealership level for a dealer used to be called just ?sales admin?. In other words doing all the paperwork, invoices etc for new and used vehicle sales; plus looking after a prospecting database. If the job is for a dealer group it can be quite a big job with each function being a separate role within a department.

If you are working for an agency supplier to Volvo, is it a contract or permanent position? What alternatives or prospects are there with that agency?

If the job is with Volvo Car UK (Head Office based in Marlow, Bucks) then this would be the best option career wise. However they do not take on too many graduates each year as a lot of the marketing, communication and implementation work is done by outside agencies.

So it may pay to look at an account exec/analyst role with an agency supplier to the VMs. I have done this for the last 6 years and has been interesting, challenging and quite scary at times the lack of automotive knowledge from within. (?Nuff said)

Hope this gives you some pointers and good luck.

(PS Sorry for the brief reply I'm a bit pushed at the moment.)
Volvo - Chas{P}

15 replies, including HJ himself and no acknowledgement to all the replies......

How did the interview go?
Volvo - PoloGirl
Blimey... consider my wrists well and truly slapped!

Thanks for all the replies - the interview isn't until the 23rd. I know a bit more about it now though and it sounds like sales admin, dressed up as marketing, so I'm not even sure if I'm going to go.

Thanks anyway!!
Volvo - hillman
I have owned a 340 1.8, and two 440s 1.8s. The 340 and my first 440 had problems, mainly caused by bad servicing at the main dealer.
All of the cars were built in Holland by Carcorp, based in Born. The engine and drive train were Renault.

Somebody correct me if I get the following wrong:
When the Mauritz complex of coal mines at Geleen needed to close the Dutch government had to relocate 40 000 employees with the least disruption. Hence they set up industries to absorb same. DAF was an established manufacturer, with an interesting product. Carcorp was founded with DAF as a basis, and the Dutch government, Volvo, Renault and DSM Chemie as shareholders.
Later the drive train changed to Mitsubishi, and the S40 was built on the same production line as the Charisma.
How did I learn this ? I worked for a time for DSM Chemie at Geleen. Most of the Dutch lads had Volvos, and I followed suit.

Now that Ford own Volvo, whose drive train is used, anyone?
Volvo - Chas{P}

Worth investigating the job anyway, just for the interview experience, if nothing else.

Could even be a hilarious experience in how not to do it judging by some of the dealers I have visited on business in my present job.

Good luck.

Volvo - just a bloke
I second Charles...

Unless you have a prior that can't be avoided you should always go to interveiws, the practice is invaluable.

Volvo - hillman
There is also the aspect that it is much easier to get a job if you are already in one. Go for it!
Volvo - PoloGirl
Apologies for digging this up again, and apologies to Mark for this not being motoring related... but...

I didn't go to the interview in the end as the salary just wasn't enough to live on. However, I got my degree results last week and I got a 2:1!! :)

(I'm not dwelling on the fact that I was only 4 marks off a first and maybe if I'd listened to NoDosh and spent more time on my dissertation I would have got one!)

Thanks to everyone in the Backroom for their advice and help over the last few months, and for keeping me (relatively) sane!

PG...off to find something motoring to post about now.

Volvo - BobbyG
PG Well Done!

Bit of a coincidenc though that you announce that at the same time my local news is telling me that there is a website that you can buy false degrees from British universities for £135!!

Volvo - NowWheels
Ah, but PoloGirl's degree comes with a proper warranty :)

Well done, PG!
Volvo - THe Growler

I just picked up on this one. You're a bad man.

Wait for the book.

PG: Congrats! my beautiful daughter also got a 2:1. I shall be visiting her on 7/16 to celebrate. That's if it's possible to celebrate in the fleshpots of Royal Tunbridge Wells that is, without exciting a flurry of letters to the Times from enraged pensioners.

She doesn't know it but she has a new car on the way.

Volvo - J Bonington Jagworth
"That's if it's possible to celebrate in the fleshpots of Royal Tunbridge Wells"

LOL! I think it must be, though, as my daughter spent two years there doing her legal training (she also got a 2:1 as it happens) and she would certainly have complained if there hadn't been some facilities for R&R...
Volvo - J Bonington Jagworth
"maybe if I'd listened to NoDosh and spent more time on my dissertation"

And less time on here! We'd have missed you though - well done.
polgirl's 2.1 - Dalglish
pg - congratulations.
I'm not dwelling on the fact that I was only 4 marks off a
first and maybe if I'd listened to NoDosh and spent more time
on my dissertation I would have got one!

official report which supports the view that your 4 marks deficit should be recognised:

"Proponents of the change point out that in a world where increasing numbers of school-leavers are going on to university, and where increasing numbers of graduates are coming out with 2.1 degrees, employers find it difficult to differentiate between them.

While the current system awards a 2.1 to students who score somewhere within a wide range of results (say anywhere between 60 and 69 percent), giving a direct percentage mark would make it obvious who had achieved a top result (say 69.5 percent) and who had achieved a little less (say 61 percent). A transcript would allow employers to see how students performed in particular papers and modules, rather than having to judge individuals on an average of results in all areas of the degree. ... "


polgirl's 2.1 - kennybase
Well done Polo Girl. I know you must have worked hard for the 2:1.

all my friends who got 1sts found it really hard to get jobs - maybe cause they had no life experience - unlike the 2:1 party animals.

Me....I got a 3rd! Serious partying involved there! (I wish - found out Chemistry isn't that easy!)

polgirl's 2.1 - malteser
Many congratulations, P.G.
We absolutely must have a graduation picci of you, clutching your "cardboard" degree - somwhat grubby from previous handling by nervous, sweaty hands - (and the silly hat!)
I know that our daughter's graduation photo will always have an honoured place on our wall!
Roger in Spain
polgirl's 2.1 - helicopter
Let me add my congratulations PG.

I bet you're glad it wasn't the dreaded 'Desmond' 2.2.
polgirl's 2.1 - Altea Ego
warmest congrats PG
polgirl\'s 2.1 - Sooty Tailpipes

ST, are you going crazy ? By what standard did you think such a comment would be acceptable in here ?

I can\'t think what possessed you to post such a comment, but even the breath of something similar again will get you booted out of here as fast as I can.

polgirl's 2.1 - Happy Blue!

Well done, better than my Desmond (Tutu). Hope you have a future filled with financial success and (more importantly) happiness.

Espada III - well if you have a family and need a Lamborghini, what else do you drive?
polgirl's 2.1 - HF
Can't offer any advice, PG, but congratulations anyway and good luck.
polgirl's 2.1 - PoloGirl
Aw Shucks... thanks all :)

(Now...who wants to tell me what Sooty said?)

polgirl's 2.1 - Happy Blue!

I tried to e-mail you with it, but message got returned.

Espada III - well if you have a family and need a Lamborghini, what else do you drive?
polgirl's 2.1 - Wales Forester
Belated congratulations PG :-)

Volvo (PoloGirl got a 2:1!!) - Avant
Many congratulations PoloGirl. All the best people get a 2.i!

Seriously, some interviewees with 1sts turn out to be machines - so much time spent learning and 'regurgitating' (oops, that word probably won't get through the Moderator!) that they haven't learned how to think laterally, let alone have fun and get a life.

Do keep us posted as to your job search. Accountancy - more accurately business advice - pays fairly well and isn't nearly as boring as it sounds.