94 Camry V6 overheating - MrWibble
Got an overheating problem with my 94 Camry v6 - suspect it might be head gasket but not sure its a thermostat.

Driving it back from Cardiff on Friday it started overheating so I jammed the heat up to full (stone cold) and pulled over. Opening the bonnet and most of the coolant seemed to have erupted out of the overflow tank and was dripping off the bonnet and around the tank. Some oil smoke from rocker cover gasket but a stone cold radiator with fan not running but very hot (and pressurised) top hose. No steam or other smoke, coolant remains in overflow tank did not have any oil in them and no mayonnaise on filler cap or stick.

Got the car towed to a Toyota dealer in Slough and will find out on Friday what the problem is. If its not too bad and driveable I will take it to a Toyota specialist nearby but am I on the right path ?

94 Camry V6 overheating - Altea Ego
Sounds like the water pump gave up the ghost to me.
94 Camry V6 overheating - MrWibble
So lack of coolant circulation means easiest path for hot coolant to expand is through overflow tank hence hot water in tank and everywhere but cooling system. Why would the top hose be scalding hot but the radiator be cold ? Maybe the faulty water pump is just not pumping enough hot water to open thermostat ?

The previous owner had replaced the radiator with a new one only a few months ago but no idea on water pump. Just remembered engine check light came on shortly before all this happened - this engine has a diagnostics port so hopefully all will be revealed on Friday quickly without an extended part-swapping exercise. At least it re-started smoothly when cold so not seized.

94 Camry V6 overheating - Altea Ego
Pump or thermostat, symptoms look like lack of circulation. The diagnostic port will probably just reveal overtemp but not the reason.
94 Camry V6 overheating - MrWibble
Just got it back from Toyota dealer it was recovered to - airlock in cooling system plus minor leak in expansion tank. Got it refilled with the red stuff and its running fine although will need to replace tank sometime.

Thanks for assistance.