i am selling the car brochures that i have collected over the years, i have alot of different makes, i even have something for DW, its a land rover V8 brochure. this is a little of what i have...fiat, audi, VW, FSO, Rolls Royce, jaguar, mazda, lada, bmw, skoda, rover, MG, alfa, ford, vauxhall, etc. these are for sale at between £3 - £5 each. everything from mark 1 fiesta upto a rolls royce carmargue. fiat 124 convertible to a NSU ro80.
if you want a brochure just put a message on here.
This is what an email address is for.
Stuff that for a game of soldiers. If anyone wants Chris Watson's brochures, e-mail him direct at watson-fam@ic24.net . I'm not having The Backroom cluttered up with one to one purchase request postings for £3 brochures.
sorry HJ, i meant to put my email address, but i was worried about viruses.
Don't worry, Chris. Backroomers aren't vindictive. And it's okay for you to offer your brochures on the site.
Obviously too valuable for the Yahoo auctions then. hur hur
Don't tempt me Stuart.
David (35+ posts this week)
Ok, do you have a rover p6 brochure ? I've tracked down an owner's handbook and original embossed log book cover.
I'd prefer a 3500 V8, Series 1 (pre 1972) if you have it.
If you have noticed in previous threads you'll know we had loads of these cars a while ago, when they were 5-10 years old.
I still have the makers Rover 3500 & 3500S workshop manual dated 1972. It has absolutely everything in it to maintain/re-build these cars, over 1.5" thick. Not torn or trashed but thumb prints guiding you to the jobs I had to do on ours.
Have no idea if this is hard to find these days but have seen similar at the classic car show stalls for £20+.
E-mail me if this is any use to you for the price of a Haynes (ish) + postage. Far better value than a ten page brochure for £3!
Thanks David but I've got the 3500 Series 1 workshop manual. I'm just a bit of a complete-ist hoping to get a sales brochure.
I've got an nasty feeling the in-line rear pads need doing soon. Perfect timing, winter's on the way and the nights are getting longer. Probably the car's only major annoyance.
You could mail the Rover P6 Owners Club, they are always on the lookout for these.
try: p6roc@telinco.co.uk
Many thanks again.
i will try to find one for you, but its mainly late 1970's cars, email me on watson-fam@ic24.net for full details.