New A6...
Facelifted 'new' A8 (after such a short time in production)?
Facelifted A4 Avant in ?December with salooon to follow?
Has Audi gone mad? I like the new look, but am miffed that my A4 is going to start to look dated so soon.
New A3 already looks like it doesn't belong to the family. Surgery imminent?
A2 not long for this world anyway. Not least, it seems, because it doesn't look right.
Maxy - your A4 won't look dated, it will look pretty! It may even result in older A4s having higher residuals than the ugly face-lifted models.
The trapezoid grille will replace the current look in the A4 next year. I prefer the current look.
HJ, if I look at my A4's nose and that of the A3 I see a gradual but distinct progression from the older to the more recent car. The new A6 and 'new' A8 look like a real leap on from the A3.
I quite like it actually, but don't want my A4's residuals affected (too much).
Why didn't Audi give the new A3 a stronger nose? Now it's the odd one out and needs to look like an immediate member of the family, not a cousin.