You could try putting it in gear and then rocking the car backwards and forwards. Then try jump starting again.
Make sure the jump leads are making a good connection......
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Jump leads are designed to provide power to complement that which is still left in your battery.
If the battery is completely dead, then jump-start might not work. I'd charge the battery first, then try again.
Mike Farrow
I know this isn't your problem - at least not quite yet - but this might be something to bear in mind. I tried to start my motor mower this morning after it lying unused since about last October. The petrol was getting through (wet plug) and there was a good spark. I tried every trick in the book - dried everything, even heated the plug with the blowlamp and stuck it back in quickly (often works!) but with no success. Stripped the air filter, checked carb linkages etc - nothing. Eventually I phoned the shop I bought it from and the first thing the chap said was, 'Have you tried fresh petrol?' Well I hadn't - not that it hadn't crossed my mind, but because the petrol strimmer had just started no bother minutes before (same batch of petrol.) Anyway, to cut a long story short, I emptied the tank, put in fresh and after a bit of priming it shot into life.
The guy in the shop said that current unleaded is absolute rubbish (not his exact words, but I'll keep it polite!) He reckons it can go off within a month to 6 weeks.
So once you get the electrics sorted, I'd suggest you get some fresh fuel in the tank.
I agree in parts with what is said about petrol 2going off2 however 6 weeks max for a "shelf life"? Having just got the bike to start having been stored from end of september with the same fuel in the tank as when it was put away. IMHO the problem with unused fuel is that the additives can gum up jets in the carb if left unused for a protracted period and not the petrol "going off"
>>The guy in the shop said that current unleaded is absolute rubbish (not his exact words, but I'll keep it polite!) He reckons it can go off within a month to 6 weeks.
I agree petrol these days goes stail in a mater of weeks, my petrol mower manual says empty fuel tank and refil with fresh every time you use it.And it will not start no matter what with old fuel in it after its winter rest.
rustbucket (the original)