Pug 306 heater matrix - solara

MY heater matrix has finally sprung a leak on my Pug 306 93 XTDT 128K. Now I know what was causing my windscreen to mist up after 15 mins of driving. It is definitely a coolant leak, as I can smell the antifreeze.

I have the haynes manual and can see that this is quite a tedious job (dash out). I will be doing this job myself, so if anyone has been there and has any shorcuts/tips for me, I would appreciate them.

Pug 306 heater matrix - P 2501
Write all the steps down on a piece of paper as you do them, so when it comes to reassembly you simply follow the steps back and avoid missing any fixings/connections which might result in annoying rattles or electrical faults.

I have one of these and am waiting for the almost inevitable day when i have to do the same job. Let us know how you get on and
Good Luck!
Pug 306 heater matrix - keo-the-dog
got a digital camera take pictures of everything as it comes apart helps if you get lost putting it all back together
Pug 306 heater matrix - Mikey Jay
How bad is this leak? Couldn't you try a product made by Bars that seals leaks in radiators first. I can't remember what it's called. You put it in the radiator and it works its way round.It could save you a job and some money. Don't forget to change your antifreeze at the required interval. Bars is good stuff and seals small holes in radiators.Mikey.
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
Yes I put in RadWeld, just to get me home. It helped a little, but it was still leaking. That was just an emergency measure. Even if it did stop the leak, I wouldn't be happy as it would probably start leaking in a few months time.

Luckily, I've got the use of my Dads car and garage whilst he is away on holiday, so I'm taking it easy (an hour in the evening when convenient). Made a start last night, so far so good.

I have been changing antifreeze every 2 years, I guess 10 years and 128K is reasonable wear and tear for a heater matrix. I've heard of others who have been through 3 of these in the same period.
Pug 306 heater matrix - P 2501
What type of heater matrix have you bought to replace it with Solara? From what i can find on the net, the Pug 405 has either a valeo or a behr matrix available while the 306 has only valeo.
The behr retails a few pounds more than the valeo so i was wondering if it's any different...
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
The Behr is for air-conditioned cars.
The bog standard one is the valeo one.
Pug 306 heater matrix - Dom F {P}
My ZX 1.9D has the exact same problem at the moment. It went in to Citroen for another problem and they told me the stale smell emanating from the interior was the heater matrix "weeping", but couldn't say from where.

My local independent looked and reckons it's so slight it's probably leaking into the heater tray and evaporating.

Started to dismantle the dash myself so they could just fit the matrix, got as far as the centre console bits out then found riveted framework behind so gave up.

If you find any hints I'd be grateful.
Pug 306 heater matrix - rg
Try Forte "stop leak" product.

Expensive (£12/bottle)but used by my local Cit indie on Xantia matricies to good effect.

Failing that, work on around a day and a half's work for replacement (about what it took with my Pug 405). It's not such a bad job if you are methodical, patient, and take it easy!

Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
Should have the dash and matrix out tonight, all ancilliary components removed (steering wheel+column, cassette, clock, instrument panel, wiper motor+linkages,scuttle panel+fascia nuts,central facia). Just the interior fixing bolts to remove.

The only thing puzzling me at the moment is the speedo cable which should be pulled out of the bulkhead wall into the engine bay (just slightly). Cant understand how that will help as you dont need to completely pull the cable out. Anyway, Im sure I'll find out later tonight. They make it look easy in the manual, but If I need to do it, I think Im going to have remove the intercooler and plastic airducts to get proper access to it. I could tug it from below, but Im gonna have problems pushing it back in. See if I can get away with it.

Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
Got the matrix out last night (no not the film!).

About the speedo cable through the bulkhead... no need to pull it out.

However, I did have problems trying to remove the matrix pipes from the bulkhead wall (mainly due to poor access in engine compartment) as recommended by Haynes. Then I noticed that the pipes on the other side of the bulkhead (drivers compartment) were fixed to the matrix via two screws. This proved to be much easier. Hopefully I will be able to screw on the new matrix to the pipes from here. If it works, it will have saved alot of hassle.

Other minor hitches were trying to remove the nuts fixing the matrix enclosure to the bulkhead wall. Again this was due to poor access due to turbo intercooler ducts getting in the way. Luckily I had a long reach deep ring spanner (used for glow plugs) which did the trick. Also helps if you have a helping hand pulling out the dash, not so easy finding volunteers close to midnight!

Hey and guess what, if you're brake light switch ever fails, you're going to need to take the whole dash out! Its hidden in the metal bracket enclosing the steering column.

So far its taken me approx 5 hrs in total to get to the culprit. I was expecting it to be badly corroded, but it was as clean as a whistle (on the exterior) but obviously wet from a leak somewhere. When I haven't got anything better to do, I'll do an autopsy on it.

Took some pics last night (not for the faint-hearted), will try and add links this weekend.
Pug 306 heater matrix - P 2501
Sounds like you have made pretty light work of it! (so far) Is it a job you would recommend to DIYer with limited experience or best left as a paid job?
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
I'd reserve judgement until the job is complete :-)

As long as you dont rush it, I think it can be a DIYers job.
I just got my hands on the replacement valeo matrix, and my shortcut with the matrix disconnection from pipes looks promising. That should make things alot easier, otherwise you have the usual problems associated with old hose connections and clips cracking when pulling apart.

Its all a question of time/money/resale value/sentiment. I could have paid a garage 200-400 quid to do it, but would I trust the quality of work? Personally Id rather spend £35 quid on a new matrix, and know I've done a proper job. I guess with me, sentiment is the overriding factor.
Pug 306 heater matrix - P 2501
I too would rather do the job myself for piece of mind that it has been done properly.But a thing like this does require a certain degree of confidence, experience and probably a bit of ingenuity. I have my doubts that i have enough of these!
I must admit you sound as if you have found it rather straightforward, not at all like the nightmare job some other posters have described.
Pug 306 heater matrix - Ian R. Cook
Hi, run a 95 306xrdt with 106,000 on the clock, done most of the maintenance myself,two cambelts plus water pump and pulleys, two radiators and power steering pump.This sites great for knowing whats round the corner maintenance wise,but sometimes I get a bit paranoid waiting for the head gasket to go! Now I've got the matrix to worry about!The way I see it is the car is worth about 12to 15 hundred , and I reckon as long as its got a full test it'll still be worth a grand in a couple of years time,because young lads and girls like them becuase they look great and are a low insurance group.The main reason for keeping one though, is that they are still a great drive, supposed to be better than the 307 by all accounts.Makes those skinned knuckle jobs seem worth it.Could get into talking about forming a relationship with the car ,because you've spent time working on it, but I think thats a bit heavy for this site. Best of luck with your re- assembly.
Pug 306 heater matrix - DL
Two radiators? Wow you must love those bayonet connections!
groups.msn.com/honestjohn - Pictures say a thousand words..... Reply | Report as offensive | Link
Pug 306 heater matrix - pmh
Just a quick thought....

Does the PUG have the same clutch cable set up as Citroens of the same age? They require dashboard out because the frequent failure of a small plastic component. Is it worth changing at the same time? Or will you use your newly found skills to have dashboard out again next week?????

Richard W or MM will probably have the answer.

pmh (was peter)
Pug 306 heater matrix - DL
Ah....the good old pedal to cable connecting collar again!

It is fiddly to change but I'm not aware the dash has to come out to do so..?

groups.msn.com/honestjohn - Pictures say a thousand words..... Reply | Report as offensive | Link
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
I managed to replace the matrix without disconnecting the hose pipes in the
engine bay.

Heres the steps for my workaround, once you have the facia off:
Firstly undo all fixings for the fan/matrix enclosure (2 nuts in engine bay,
1 in central floor pillar.
Disconnect the matrix from the connection in the drivers compartment (simply
undo the two 7mm bolts) and it just pops apart.
You obviously need to disconnect the new matrix at this same joint.
Dont forget to swap the old rubber o-rings with the new ones.
Then slide in the new matrix into enclosure casing.
Dont pop it all the way in yet.
Keep it about a centimetre above fully seated position.
Then mate the matrix with the old connector. A bit of grease on the o-rings
will help.
Tighten the two 7mm bolts home.
Then slide the matrix down into fully seated position (snaps shut).
Now shuffle the enclosure until both threaded inserts pop through the
bulkhead wall into engine compartment.
Tighten nuts in engine bay and floor pillar.

The floor pillar nut fixing has a cheap plastic insert which can come out of
place, leaving bolt to spin, so take care. There is very little hand
clearance behind this bolt. Spent almost an hour trying to undo, re-seat and
tighten this thing.

Then follow Haynes instructions to re-install facia.

I did a quick autopsy on the old matrix (see pic link). On prising open the plastic head of
the matrix, I could see 5 of the 8 u-tubes filled with crud. No wonder the RadWeld didn\'t do much, as there was no way it was going to get through the finely packed crud. This also answers a query I had on an earlier thread I had on \"how quick does your pug 306 td heat up?\",
and why I thought mines was slower than usual in heating up.

This is a very poor bit of design, as both the inlet and outlet pipes are at
the top of the matrix, with parallel u-bend pipes going down and back up.
Basically, all the silt/crud in the coolant collects at the bottom of the
u-bends, blocking them, and eventually corroding through the pipes. If they
had kept to the conventional rad design of inlet at top and outlet at
bottom, it wouldn\'t be a problem. But then again it keeps the dealerships in
business! Even more reason to flush/change coolant every 2 years.

While I had the coolant out, I decided to change the thermostat, and tacho tdc sensor at the same time. Was going to also change the fast idle wax stat, but didnt have a big enough spanner, and poor access again!. Oh well that will have to wait till next time.

My main radiator still looks in good shape (3-4 years old), hopefully the water pump will last until the next timing belt change. Does anyone know what the typical lifetime is of the water pump on one of these?

Car is now back on the road, heated up in a jiffy this morning, and no misty windscreen.

Here\'s a link to my pics:

Hope this helps someone.
Pug 306 heater matrix - RichardW
Having only just got a ZX, I don't know if they suffer from the same plastic link breakage as the Xantia - I don't think so I have never heard about it (but Haynes indicates they do have a plstic link!), nor whether changing it is such a 'mare.

The Xantia one can be changed without removing the dash - but I think that was the 'official' response from Cit dealers when they began breaking. It's a bad job made truly awful by the positioning of the bolt such that it more often than not has to to be sawn off to remove the pedal (mind you, an air powered saw would help here!). 3 Hours to change a £5 component that immobilises the car - that must be a record??


Is it illogical? It must be Citroen....
Pug 306 heater matrix - P 2501
Thanks for those interesting pics solara. If (when!) the time comes for my matrix to be replaced, i might well have a go at it using your instructions.

Just out of interest, how often did you change your coolant? and did you ever flush the engine/rad with a hosepipe or a flushing agent?
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
Coolant was changed every 2 years. Only flushed with water (not a hose jet). Probably a good idea though. Ideally you would want to flush the matrix (isolated), but that may too much work to bother.

Overall rating: certainly can be a diyers job (with my workaround), but take your time. Should be able to squeeze it in a weekend, but wife/kids may rebel! Also takes 2 people to pull-out and re-seat fascia.

Hopefully you wont need this advice.
Pug 306 heater matrix - diesel demon
best not to use radweld!!
modern radiators are not designed for it,engine cooling will be compromised,if a radiator has had this treatment it want's throwing away..... diesel demon
Pug 306 heater matrix - Keke306

Hey, your link to the pics did not work, are you able to send me them? Cheers

Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
No the dash does not need to come out, as clutch mechanism is fully visible from below, if you can get yourself into that position (yoga lessons come in handy).
Pug 306 heater matrix - diesel demon
hi there....
i'm Ian from surrey,i have just bought a peugeot 306 xrdt 1996 n 125,000 miles,it need,s some attention,also has the matrix "hot" smell,i did a 405 matrix recently without removing the entire dash but having looked at haynes manual tonight,looks like dash out,
any particular reason why i shouldn't elect to do this in my spare time? it has driver airbag,no aircon
i otherwise like the car but cannot stand the smell,
i know exactly what has happened,(porous matrix vaporising coolant when hot..bad for health as this is poison)
many thank's
Pug 306 heater matrix - blue_haddock
Book time for a 306 matrix is approx 10 hours - it's not a whole dash out job but you need to undo all the dash and move it up and forwards a few inches. It's not particularly difficult just laborious so you should be able to do it DIY.
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
Take it from me, it is a dash-out job. I've done it twice!
Dash in situ, only makes job more difficult, if near impossible.
OK as DIY jobs go, 10 hours is probably top limit, should be able to do it in a few evening slots, or one whole day.
Any q's feel free to ask.
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
PS give the coolant a good flush several times before taking out the old matrix. Prevents any crud from sitting in the new matrix, if you do it after replacing.
Pug 306 heater matrix - diesel demon
thankyou sir,moving on with the job next.....
shall be reporting as i go diesel demon
Pug 306 heater matrix - diesel demon
hi there,i'm Ian from surrey,
bought a 306 xrdt same problem 1996/n 125,000 miles...
i shall probably do the job,any advice? thank's ian
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
All the advice I could muster is on this thread. The link to the pictures should help.
Always use peugeot/citroen anti-freeze coolant mixed 50/50 with distilled water. The airbag shouldnt be a problem.
Euro Car Parts / Neat Autos should do the matrix for around 40 quid, they are all genuine valeo. Use Wynns coolant flush with hot engine and flush several times with water until it comes out clear, before replacing matrix.
You will need to disconnect battery, so be prepared for alarm going off and re-programming the remote on reconnection.
Other than that, write all steps you did, as its hard trying to backtrack through the manual. Have all the TORX screw drivers ready, and mark the steering column/wheel.

Good Luck with it!
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
Looks like the Yahoo Photos link has expired and deleted my photo album! I'll see if I can dig them out of my archive and them to a webpage.
Pug 306 heater matrix - diesel demon
hi there......
send to :
many many thank's ian
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
Unfortunately, these are the only 2 images remaining...

Pug 306 heater matrix - diesel demon
hi there solara,i have removed most ancillary components attached to the dash,glove box,radio,steering wheel cowling and lowered the column removing the 4 nuts,centre console,heater facia panel and found 2 10 mm bolts each end of the dash,if i have time i shall resume tomorrow as i have a matrix for her now................ they gave me 4 sealing rubbers,can theese all be needed?,do next??? wiper motor and scuttle panel linkages too???
many thank's,have a great evening ian
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
Hi DD,
No need to completely remove the 4 steering column nuts. Loosening them in place will have sufficed. Otherwise the column drops, and dislodges the rubber gaitor which seals the passenger compartment from engine bay. Dont forget to seal this back from underneath the car, otherwise you will hear alot of road noise. You will see the rubber gaitor has two tongue flaps, which need to be pulled from under the car for it to sound insulate properly. Sorry, cant be done from passenger bay. I know because I tried.
If you want to do what I did, disconnect the matrix by opening the two 8mm bolts. Much easier than faffing about with broken plastic matrix hoses. Space is very tight between bulkhead and engine. I just replaced the two internal o-rings when using my method. Make sure you have another pair of hands when pulling out dash, as it is unbelievably heavy, and can easily scratch interior.
Wiper motor and scuttle panel needs to come out to get access to the four? nuts which secure dash to bulkhead.
Keep at it!
Pug 306 heater matrix - diesel demon
thankyou sir,yes i'll have another go tomorrow dd
Pug 306 heater matrix - diesel demon
thank's for the images!!!
the lower one suggests i have a bit further to go...
only difference is i had to remove the centre console,to gain access to the security dial on top of it(in the way of centre lower dash support bolt)
this model has the immobiliser number you must imput before it'll start,i therefore suspect this model is of a later type than one illus??
reading haynes manual tonight,i know wiper moror in bonnet will have to come out with scuttle panel,may have a go if time tom.,...... ian will post you on latest report,my phone no is removed - please contact me through the moderators on this site
Pug 306 heater matrix - Dynamic Dave
diesel demon,

Are you sure you want to be giving out your phone number onto a public forum that can be accessed throughout the world?

If you want to reconsider, I can edit out and replace with a comment for people to contact you via a moderator, if they so wish?

Pug 306 heater matrix - diesel demon
ok.... do that....
anyway not much further on today,i got the scuttle panel s removed and wiper arms/motor/linkage....
tomorrow i'm on holiday so avoiding the rain will probably have a renewed attempt..... your's ian...
Pug 306 heater matrix - diesel demon
talbot solara.... remember those? an alpine with a boot!!!
anyway dash removed,heater box removed,i found the pipe connection impossible to disconnect under the bonnet so i refitted the old centre union to the new matrix and then tightened down the matrix having applied additional sealant to new rubber rings,i have some bit's and bobs to finish off tomorrow,
The stop lamp switch connection was a real pain,hopefully common sense will prevail
i'm hoping to finish tomorrow,
the old unit was leaking from the base,i took the box away and washed all the leaves and crud away,hoping she will be ok
just a little concerned about pipe conn under bonnet,
is it just the clip you are supposed to undo?
it is a silly idea... no room. diesel demon
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
Yep, thats where my name comes from. Was my first car! Bought as a 2nd hand taxi, 1 year old, with clock reset to zero. Did another 200K on it, and learnt alot about cars from it :-).
It ate two gearboxes + driveshafts, however rust killed it in the end, engine was still good apart from the characteristic noisy tappets.

What is the pipe connection under the bonnet? As mentioned earlier, I simply connected mines from the passenger compartment via those two 8mm bolts. The plastic pipework underbonnet looks like a good candidate for cracking with age (more work in a tighter space!), so I left it well alone. Just connect new matrix to exisiting outlet in passenger compartment.
Regarding the stop switch, you can actually get to it by lowering the steering column. But probably easier via the hole in the side of the steering column bracket,as you have the dash out.
Pug 306 heater matrix - diesel demon
Thank's solara....yes that's exacty what i did... left well alone....
i got the wiper linkage,scuttle,centre console.front facia ,coolant back today before it rained!
i shall be back tomorrow,collectivlely about 10 hrs now poss an hour or so to finish off

i have another story about peugeot cars... i have had a
peugeot 405 1994/m estate car,traded in to our company originally with the heater radiator failed last september
i did the job without taking out the dash like haynes manual tells you,the lads at pcr worthing told me to drill out the rivets in the glovebox,much quicker!!
since it had a clutch it's going fine now immaculate car,done 265,774 miles exactly... and ready for more,
i saw a 405 td estate 1996 glx exec(nice car) on ebay last night for sale at 335,000m and ready for loads more
theese with cambelt and oil change every 6 k go on for 500,000 mikes i know
the highest i have ever seen in 30 years in the motorbusiness was on a peugeot 505 sti saloon 1980/v 505,000 miles!!
honestly this is true diesel demon
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
I've got a long way to go on my 306dt. Still hardly done a measly 150Kmiles. Hardly do 8k a year, but glad for it. The XUD9TE engines are good workhorses, just watch the temperature gauge, as heads can warp causing gasket failure. Hopefully we've just saved another one from the scrappy!
Pug 306 heater matrix - diesel demon
hi there Solara!!
many thank's for your advices,and yes i think so
i'm just waiting for as cambelt for her now,just got the old one off,shall go for genuine water pump too as one fitted had been leaking.... only fit dayco belt.... not gates
have a slight problem since i took out the dash....
air bag lamp on permanently,(ign on) i shall get it fault coded next week??? havent a clue why???? otherwise ok diesel demon..............
Pug 306 heater matrix - Mikeym1
MY heater matrix has finally sprung a leak on my Pug
306 93 XTDT 128K. Now I know what was causing my
windscreen to mist up after 15 mins of driving. It is
definitely a coolant leak, as I can smell the antifreeze.
I have had that problem before, and I know there is often alot of work involved. There are several products on the market

which will temporary fix your leak.

There is a product on Ebay which sounds promising.
It is called K-Seal. However If I was you I would consider sending the seller an email before buying,just to check it is suitable for the heater matrix on your car.

I have enclosed the link.


Good luck.

Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
DD see my reply to "what next" and those column bolts, somewhere above. Sorry cant give out my personal details.
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
Obvious check: check the airbag connector for a secure connection, perhaps even clean contacts. Did you remove the seats by any chance?

Read the following link, it might help. Sounds like a reset shouldnt be necessary, as this is an ignition-on test.


I dont have an airbag on my 93 pug 306.
Pug 306 heater matrix - solara
Also found this link...

Do you have a passenger airbag? Also check that connector too.
Pug 306 heater matrix - diesel demon
hi there solara.....
there is no passenger airbag but there is a harness for one...
i.m not going to mess with it,on tuesday dealer i'm afraid!!
i'll let you know....
new cambelt and waterpump today..... ok at them,but electrics?? no ta
Pug 306 heater matrix - diesel demon
good news,
the airbag module under the centre console plug was loose....
Today i removed various ancillaries to re-trace my footsteps and there it was..... it's a stupid thing so i cable tied the conn together!!!
case closed,thank's so much,if you want any adv sir you have my detail,drop me a line..... Ian+