I know this not really a biking forum, but its a friendly one. We have one at www.motorcyclephilippines.com but I am doing the Motorcycle Foundation Safety Course (special one for ladies, maximum 8 girls only) next month on 18th for 3 days. I am a Filipina with some riding experience but never took any lessons. Actually I "bought" my license ;+)
I am looking forward to this, I ride anyway a Yamaha Virago but my boss Big G won't allow me on his Harley rides on my own bike with the Chosen Few (that's his club), because he says not enough experience. I have to back ride with him and I got fed up with it. Too uncomfortable. My bike 750cc only not like those big Harleys so not so powerful. I love to ride. I don't like sport bikes, cruisers only bcos that's what is popular here and they look much better for fashion. I'm scared of corners and I hope my course will help me. I want to do it the way G and his pals does it. He says if the chicken strips on your tires are virgin you're not a serious rider.
I know this forum has lots of different interests ( I read it when he isnt looking) and I wondered if any bikers out there can offer me any suggestions to help me improve. I would love to hear from any girl bikers especially. My email is the_captain73@hotmail.com.
Thanks in advance for reading this post and hope this ok with HJ.
I hope this is OK to post.... I know this not really a biking forum....
Biking is a form of motoring - no need to worry Growlette.
Greetings GRowlette, have a nice day and explain 'Chicken Strips' for us all.
"Chicken strips" are the edges of bike tyres that don't get scrubbed in through lack of leaning over through corners.Hence they stay shiney,H.T.H's.
Thanks, Guzzi Steve, I'm now wiser.
I'm a lot wiser than in my past life when I did get the chicken strips worn. Like when I took off sideways at 40 ish , hanging in there, after going through loose gravel. Bent the footrest, wrapped the crash bar, we had those then, around my leg. The bike was a BSA Gold Flash, quite heavy to lift.
I think that GRowlette is smart to keep the strips clean; gravel rash is not pretty, and it takes a while to heal.
Hillman is right: you have to learn to read the road surface as well as the road on a bike. Gravel, oil, ice (not in the Phillipines unless you have mountains?) mud, flood water, chicken debris, buffalo dung etc etc. Thats what I would give as a pointer. Oh, and cagers. Good luck Growlette- have fun:)
The best advice anyone ever gave me about riding a motorbike is do everything wrong but slowly in a controlled manner.
So, find a clear safe area and stomp on the rear brake locking the wheel (at 10 mph), same with the front brake. Drop the throttle whilst leant over and turning (on a wide piece of tarmac where it does not matter that you will over shoot) etc, etc.
Thus you will know what happens if you do something wrong without hurting yourself.
Its a practical demonstation of why you should not do it, which for me sinks in better than a theoretical lesson and it takes the fear of the unknown away.
Not only are the chicken strips on my Bandit 600 intact, the rear tyre is worn nearly flat; the badge of a timid rider. Only experience and training will help you lean your bike into corners and keep up with the fast ones.
Good luck with your safety course.
If you want to post to a more bike-oriented forum and get more advice from other bikers and biking girls, you could do worse than look in on www.gbbikers.co.uk
Stranger in a strange land
Tku Hawkeye, I saw the site.
I'm a bit scared for my rider course next month but really I want to do it. I hope I can post some pix of it.
Take care.