see if I care..... - THe Growler
I\'ve had a few enquiries about the progress on the \'69 Bullitt Mustang 351 fastback. While it may not interest everyone, it seems only courteous to respond on the forum and thank those concerned for their friendly interest.

So here goes. Click on by if it\'s no use to you.

We FedEx\'ed a front suspension kit in from Mustang Parts of Oklahoma. A great company with great girls on the phone who know exactly what you want (car-wise I must add). Front shocks, ball joints all that. Ferdie\'s guys down the road threw that lot in one afternoon for noticeable improvement. However, even though I know Mustangs and don\'t expect too much on the steering front, I\'m thinking the steering box is shot, so a rebuild of that is on the cards. I ordered new front pads but she doesn\'t need them yet.

The local muffler shop made up two new tailpipes, so now we have the right noises coming from the right places. V-8 lovers eat your heart out for that one....a rumble which reaches you right down there where you live....a truly religious experience.

Pulled down the Holley 4-bbl carb and blew that out, seems fine. Auto choke is a bit iffy but in this heat don\'t need it anyhow. Battery was the wrong one so bought a new Yuasa (they\'re the best).

Hoses, belts, rad and coolant seem A OK so left them alone. The a/c is the old Bendix compressor out of the ark and used on every US car in the 50\'s/60\'s, so I had a leak test and I got it refilled with Freon and so far so good. But these are really old stuff so it\'s a toss-up between a rebuild or a non-standard Nippon Denso. I live in the tropics, today it\'s 37 C so believe me good a/c is a must.

I did the magnet test and I can find some evidence of bondo, probably previous dings prior to repaint. However no evidence of welding anywhere and no sign of other than surface rust, nothing structural. Door closures are typical US, they close, but everything rattles in the process. Big heavy long doors on skimpy hinges I guess. definitely some drop there.

Rear lights are not working properly and we can\'t figure this out. These are the US ones where one stop light comes on and the other flashes when you make a turn (both red). No one cares about this in the Philippines mainly but the cops do hassle you on the tollways if you don\'t have good lights. I\'ve sent off for a wiring diagram and hopefully Ferdie can fix that up.

The instruments don\'t work at all. Doesn\'t seem that important so that can wait. Upholstery is OK but I will get it redone (my local guy does repair work for the BMW dealer so he\'ll do a good job).

There\'s a hole where the original radio/8-track used to be. I talked to the Mustang Owners\' Club and these seem to be as scarce as rocking horse droppings. Pity, some Doors/Hendrix w.h.y would set the whole thing off nicely.

Engine is sound as a nut. Whisper quiet, no smoke, hydraulic lifters etc These V-8\'s are utterly unbreakable anyway, in those days they were over-engineered because so many owners would pull \'em and do outlandish stuff with them so they could race on Sundays. The Trans is the standard Ford. C-4 or C-6? Not sure. It\'s built for trucks anyway. You can wind her up and drop her in D1 at the lights any time you like and she\'ll handle it. I can\'t get here the original Ford ATF made by Pennzoil and sold in every Walgreens (that\'s your Boots) in the US, but what\'s in there seems clean enough and she shifts fine. Diff oil was made never to be changed in the car\'s lifetime so that\'s off the list.

Oil and filter change done. 20w/50 dino oil natch. The best Valvoline that money can buy. She loved it, I can tell.

Wipers need work. Rainy season here starts in June. Sluggish and stuttery blades.

Goes like a rocket: has that incomparable V-8 feel where it gathers its (metaphorical) skirts disdainfully beside all these rice-boys, takes its time, then pours on a stream of endless torque and storms lazily ahead. Anything else on the road is rear view mirror material and it\'s hardly even working. Love it. And the way that air intake cover rocks independently of the hood at idle? Oh boy, I\'m Steve McQueen ready to race down Market St/SFO and do fishtails around Union Square.

Corners? Well, er, yes. Find the vanishing point (no pun for those who recall the movie), pour on the power and finger the crucifix hanging off the interior mirror while your past life flashes before you. But then that\'s why it\'s fun.

I have a few dress-up parts left over from olden days with my other Mustang (chrome valve covers, air filter etc) and I\'ve fitted those and given the engine compartment a good steam wash,

Can\'t wait for next Sunday at the drag strip on the old US Clark airbase. Sink a few beers then do some rock \'n roll down that taxi-way with all those little brown Filipina bunnies in skimpy tops and short shorts yelling their pretty little heads off.......

Git? see if I care..... - Wilco {P}
Sounds like one cool car.....

Worth trying ebay for that missing radio?
Git? see if I care..... - Anglesey Ian
Entertaining and informative thread Growler. How I envy you !

Please continue to keep us informed by updating


Git? see if I care..... - helicopter
- Find the vanishing point (no pun for those who recall the movie)-

Just keep your eyes peeled for those big big earthmovers Growler.
Git? see if I care..... - THe Growler
Oh yes. Is that final scene something or what?
Git? see if I care..... - helicopter
You gotta believe it !
see if I care..... - Cardew
Nice to see you back on form.

I take it that it is not a diesel!!

see if I care..... - Kuang
"Drive it like you stole it.."

Jealous already - I have a serious hankering for a V8 Mustang but it isn't even on the cards, financially or practically :| Until then keep up with the posts and I'll just practise vicarious living instead.. ;)
see if I care..... - Mapmaker
Oh go away! We're all drooling, can't we have a picture as well, please? Maybe a sound clip as well...
see if I care..... - THe Growler
Sorry don't know how to do sound clips but will get advice on that.

see if I care..... - THe Growler
Kuang: you will find the Mustang Owners Club of GB most friendly and helpful. Check out their website. Have to go now, V-8 exhaust note withdrawal symptoms setting in.
see if I care..... - Ian (Cape Town)
Freon? Are you still allowed to use that in the Philipines?? *gosh!*
Will things be all-systems-go for the 17 April - the Mustang's 40th Birthday?
I know they are expecting 500+ here in cape town on the day ...
see if I care..... - THe Growler
Oh yes Freon alive and well here, thank goodness the enviro-freaks haven't spoilt all our fun just yet. We also have a lot of Mussies dating from the US bases period. Indeed yesterday morning waiting at Starbucks for my rider bro's to pitch up, I saw an immaculate cream '64½ coupe park up and a very elderly driver get out. I would guess maybe 75-80. We engaged in conversation and this is a perfectly preserved car, mostly as far as I could tell, totally original. The exhaust note was wonderful, the original Philco radio picked up the local AM radio (oh yes we still have those here) and this old guy clearly loved his car. It seems just two owners before him, both US Air Force. He was a Filipino military assigned on duty to the USAF.

The car was as close as to immaculate as it's possible to get after almost 40 years. I wish I was better at photography.

I said would he consider selling the car. In true humble Filipino fashion he said no way Boss when they bury me they can bury my car alongside.

'nuff said.

I'm not sure if we have a 40th scheduled here for the Mustang. Could well be, there are a lot around. What an epoch-defining car that was.........

Once bitten, hooked for life.