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What makes a car a banger? - Richard Hall
At what point does a car go from being a used car to being a banger? Is it age, mileage, value or a combination of all three? Is my H reg Audi Coupe 20V (132k, cost £2,600) a banger?
Re: What makes a car a banger? - Dave
Totally subjective.
Re: What makes a car a banger? - Andrew Smith
It's a personal thing.
However I have always noted the turning point in a cars life is when depreciation stops. eg. I buy a new 20k car today. If I locked it in the garage for a year thus ensuring that it was in exactly the same condition as when I bought it it would probably be worth 15k. With an older car there comes a point when I could buy, lets say a 10 year old Toyota Corrolla for £500. Stick it in the garage for a year and it would still be worth £500 because it has entered the age where price is based solely on condition and not on age. This is the point where bangeromics starts to work.
Re: What makes a car a banger? - Tomo
When its about to go BANG?
Re: What makes a car a banger? - David W

In the eyes of many folks H-Reg is banger territory, but £2,600 isn't. Not sure how to bridge the gap there.

Now the E-Reg Metro that was here last night giving a customer a lift was a banger. Cost £150 and the front indicator light only worked when you thumped it.....hard to do from inside!

Re: What makes a car a banger? - David Millar

Definitely some way to go before it becomes a banger. I used to reckon £200 when that was the maximum available at a cashpoint. Some now dole out up to £350 so maybe that sort of territory. As mentioned elsewhere it is subjective but I tend to think the banger is completely unfashionable, roadworthy but tired in its essentials and probably has some irritating fault such as a leaking boot/sunroof, non-functioning windows, tatty upholstery, poor paintwork which will cost much more to repair than the sum worth of the total.

That said, several of my past bangers: Ford 103E (£200), 107E (£125), 2CV (£200), MGA (not strictly a banger at £300), Saab 96 (£40) are now classics and appreciating. Not so sure about the Peugeot 604 (£200) and the Fiat 126 (£105).

Re: What makes a car a banger? - Stu
Could be when they become an embarassment.

Such as the old Renault 5 I had, the bonnet wouldn't close and the starter motor was dodgy.

Picture the scene ... pull up for petrol, go and pay, return to car, retrieve big stick from boot, open bonnet, beat said started motor 'till it works, then jump up and down on the bonnet to close it ... drive serenely off. (very Basil Fawlty), you can imagine the looks I got!

Re: What makes a car a banger? - John Slaughter

Maybe you have hit upon the criterion.

A car becomes a banger when it is abused rather than used? Definitely puts the decision upon the owner.


Re: What makes a car a banger? - mike harvey
I think a car which has your fingers crossed, and heart pounding when you take it for an MOT test is probably a banger. It must then be subjected to 'bangernomics' philosophy to keep it on the road. Thinking of 'used' parts to fix it?, then in your mind it's a banger.
Re: What makes a car a banger? - Tom Shaw
In the case of British Leyland, as soon as it rolled off the assembly line.
Re: What makes a car a banger? - Richard Hall
Just as I feared. Buying the Audi has totally destroyed my banger credibility. Still, I've always got the Polo....
Re: What makes a car a banger? - Marman
In the case my Austin Maestro I had from new a few yaers ago it was a banger the day it left the showroom
Re: What makes a car a banger? - Colin M
My cars descended into banger terroritory when I stopped washing them, getting fed up cutting myself on sharp metal exposed by rust!
