OK so now we're all experts on how to sift candidates trying to get in at a junction, how has this increased our chances of getting in ourselves?
I was anxious to learn and my reading of the posts suggests I behave as near as possible to a beta minus male hyena, at the same time wearing a blond wig and driving a muddy coloured car a bit older than yours.
Do I get the nod?
Colin S
Absolutely not! :)
I have this problem almost every day. There is a bad junction with limited visability just up the road from my house. Most of the time I need to turn right.
Fortunately the traffic slows for traffic lights, so people can see what is happening.
My tactics are as follows.
Indicator on.
Smile (frightening thought for other road users I know).
Make eye contact with the other driver in a polite and appeasing way. This can turn a "Not on your life Buster" to a "Well OK just this once"
When you get the nod, check all is clear then pull out into the space quickly and efficiently so as not to inconvenience them.
...and then of course acknowledge the letting in. As a letter-in, not being acknowledged for your act of courtesy might mean you don't repeat it another time. Depends what time of the month it is of course.
Carole (with tongue firmly in cheek)
Well, roll for as long as possible, they know if you're already moving, you won't be the one who they stop for and then they decide to start the engine and let off the handbrake etc....
If you're already stood still, start creeping forwards, and usually one of the next three will have been able to anticipate your movement and let you out. I give a presumptuous tthank that they see through the side window as I move off, and another when I'm in front that they can see through the rear window. I seem to get let in and out a lot and very easily, so I'm sticking to it!
I have a difficult junction or two like this right near my home. It is often *impossible* to get out to turn right without the sneaky crawling out across one lane and just trust your life into the hands of the other drivers. Unfortunately this particular junction is also a site for traffic lights, and it is unbelievable how many drivers, even after seeing you pulling out, will deliberately (or plain idiotically) block your passage, (so to speak), leaving you to either try to pull back again (unlikely because there is always someone behind), or to grit your teeth and just hope that the newly oncoming traffic (after lights change) decide to let you live.
I am not an aggressive driver, but truly I find often the *only* way to get let out is to juyst pull out and hope for the best at certain points on my journies.
Make sure that you're paying attention, people don't want to risk hanging around while you notice that they're letting you out.
Don't stick the front of the out, it annoys people.
Be patient.
And if all else fails, drive a very big car !
Being prepared to move quickly and eye contact, lots of eye contact. I'm sure that if you maintain eye contact you can almost persuade someone that you have right of way......
By driving anything other than a BM.
Big smile, lots of lipgloss, low cut top - you men are so shallow! ;-)
Of course I don't expect this technique to work on women, but that's just Karma because I so rarely let women out myself.
Drive a large Red Shed (aka 1990 VW Golf) in the nicer parts of West London....it's amazing how many people don't want their nice shiny cars dinged up!
Oh and being about 6'2'' and 220lbs doesn't hurt as well!