what's going on at Mercedes Benz? - bcz
Hi There, I am currently researching Mercedes Benz for a university dissertation.

Does anybody know what new vehicles are coming in 2004 or beyond?

Many thanks

what's going on at Mercedes Benz? - matt35 {P}


The above link will take you to an active Merc source - there are two models under 'new models'.

what's going on at Mercedes Benz? - xsaradriver
Do know they are suffering quality problems with the paint. Apparently the paint suffers from spiders legs after a chip mainly affects silver. Lots of cases even on top of the range models too
what's going on at Mercedes Benz? - cdb

mbworld.org (particularly the forums)

Facelifted C Class imminent, new SLK in the Summer I believe
what's going on at Mercedes Benz? - Ivor E Tower
New "A"-class due fairly soon too. Plenty of spy photos in the motoring press.
what's going on at Mercedes Benz? - peterb
"Car" Magazine (Feb 04) had an item on upcoming Mercs.

It's been replaced by the March issue now, but tracking-down a copy shouldn't be too hard.