Hello all, hope you are all doing well. Can I have a little info or any heads up? Anything greatly appreciated. Saturday, when I pressed the clutch pedal down, it made a horrible grinding sound, but gears still changed okay. I called the AA and was told it was the "Thrust Bearing" and need to get a new clutch and flywheel. It calmed down a bit and by Monday had all but gone. Then in the evening, I pushed the clutch pedal down to start and it struggled to fire up, but, alas it did. I've had clutch failure before, spectacularly!! so booked it into a reputable garage for Clutch & Flywheel replacement. £1250 Thinking I could hang on until Friday, the clutch went on Tuesday whilst stuck on a small hill behind 3 other cars. AA came again, towed me back and told me "Clutch pressure plate/release bearing collapsed causing pedal to be stuck half way down" I still managed to start the engine but could not change any gears. AA towed me home and today they were going to charge me £120 to tow the car literally 3 minutes down the road! Sod that! I have RAC on my Insurance and got them to tow me. RAC chap tried to start the car, clutch pedal down to the floor, would not start! The engine "warm up" light came on. (Looks like a Pretzel sort of!) He hooked it up to a computer and came up with a reading of a duff starter motor sensor! So the car is now in the garage awaiting surgery, I'm now cacking myself that there will be another hefty bill on top of that for a starter motor. To my knowledge, I thought that the car would start again once the new clutch was fitted. The AA chap even said, the engine wont start because of the broken part. Any pointers, greatly appreciated. Thank you.