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Vauxhall crossland 2020 - Starting - Harryspotter

My car sometimes turns over a few times and doesn't start. Then I try again and it starts.

No engine lights or anything. And intermittent.

Any ideas?

Vauxhall crossland 2020 - Starting - elekie&a/c doctor
If it’s on the original battery , very likely it needs replacing. I would get it tested .

Edited by elekie&a/c doctor on 18/01/2025 at 20:49

Vauxhall crossland 2020 - Starting - Harryspotter

Thanks. Battery sounds great though.

Vauxhall crossland 2020 - Starting - elekie&a/c doctor
A diagnostic test may reveal something not right , but I’d still get the battery tested . Modern cars need a good amount battery power to fire up the electronic systems.
Vauxhall crossland 2020 - Starting - Chris M

OP. Out of interest, if you keep turning the engine over does it eventually start?

My son has the same car as me, an Astra 1.0T (obviously different engine to yours). His is a very early model whilst mine is about 9 months newer. First start of the day (not temperature dependent) involves several seconds of turning over without any sign of it firing, then it starts and runs perfectly. Just as it does for the rest of the day. Battery is fine as start stop works and it's always done it in the 4 years he's had it. Mine starts immediately always. Astra forum suggestion is it's to allow oil pressure to build first as other early builds reportedly do the same. Don't know how true the theory is.

Vauxhall crossland 2020 - Starting - Gibbo_Wirral

Not all faults put on an engine warning light. Take Peugeot diesels - a failed temperature sensor will cause all manner of starting problems, but you'll only find out by doing a decent scan and reading live data.