i have an audi a4 2004 1.8t that i recently bought, the car has a misfire on cylinder 2 so i replaced the coilpack and the problem went away but only when the car is static, asin not moving and engine running it has no misfire but when you put the car under load after 2000rpm cylinder 2 has a dead misfire, no stuttering or hesitation just goes completly dead, i have ruled out that its not the piston rings as it dosnt smoke i would need to do a compresion test to confirm but im pretty confident it isnt that i know its not a stuck valve as its not constant its only under hard acceleration, i have replaced the coil packs and spark plugs also i checked the coil wires that sit above the exhaust as they are known for splitting due to the heat of the exhaust, cylinder 2 had 2 wires that had the outer case breaking away but not damaged the wire to what i could see so i eletrical taped them to see if the problem persists, which it did. is it the wires that are causing me the misfire, is there damage that i cant see thats caused by the heat and the wires actually need repairing