I was admiring a new Outback a few weeks ago, not really interested because the thing is ridiculously huge, my 120 series LWB Prado now has quite a small footprint compared to such vehicles.
The owner happened to be a Subaru sales chap who wasted no time in telling me about the electronic safety features it had, 'eyesight' being the Subaru system.
I hadn't the heart to tell him i have no interest whatsoever in all of this so called safety electronic tat, the trucks i drive are stuffed to the gills with such things and it all leaves me cold, the one thing that should be useful AEBS i've had to modify my driving (cutting in closer, fantastic advance that is, not) to stop the system slamming the brakes on for no reason at all in chicane type situations, among other tat the new truck will have an electric park brake, another answer to a question no one asked...the very last thing i want is my own vehicles stuffed with pointless stuff that doesn't do the job its supposed to, will annoy SWMBO and i constantly and will inevitably go expensively wrong.
Deskilling (dumbing down) drivers of all vehicle types by having the vehicle do the driving for them does not end well now and won't end any better the more garbage they chuck on.
Next year all trucks going into London will have to have new AI blind spot cameras, that's another £1000 or so (and they're forever going wrong) added to the cost of each vehicle which will be added to all our food etc bills.