What strange Otherworld to these people inhabit?
Example 1:
Dear Honest John,
I recently took my 12 year old Nissan Micra on a shopping expedition. Unfortunately the World War 2 landmine that I keep in the glove compartment detonated while I was in Woolworths, pulverizing the vehicle.
My local Nissan dealer has refused to compensate me; should I expect a full refund from Nissan UK?
Example 2:
I wish to buy a new Toyota Yaris. What colour seats should I order?
Dear Micra owner.
You have no claim against Nissan. The mine feature you specified has worked as designed. It is therefore fit for purpose and free from any defect.
If you wish to buy a yaris ( a very ugly car ) you are obviously blind so any colour will do.
I was reading the motoring column of a rival paper, where one correspondent was complaining about his annoying squeaking leather upholstery.