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Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - galileo

A poster on another forum shares information on possible plans to have all cars fitted with 'telematics' to tell where, when and how you drive, make classics uninsurable.

If true, a worrying prospect. here's a link to his YouTube detailed story.


Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - Bromptonaut

It true....

Is there anything else to back it up?

Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - gordonbennet

There'll be some push back from the older politicians who may well have classic cars lurking about, if not them the people who put them and keep them in exalted positions.

However there will probably be a way for the more equal than others to exempt themselves, they normally do or get the taxpayer to fund their Range Rovers, moats, you name it, a bit like the worlds self appointed oligarchs alighting from one of their mutiple private jets then into chauffered limos ferrying them to conventions where they then lecture the rest of us on how we should resort to cave life, meanwhile they become richer and more powerful still...this new communisim it isn't much different to how its always been.

Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - Xileno

Interesting discussion. However I remember reading something similar about fifteen years ago (I don't think it was on HJ) and thought nothing will come of it. Who knows, maybe it will this time but I'm not going to worry about it.

Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - De Sisti

Nothing to worry about. it won't be implemented. It will soon be forgotten. Another scare story.

Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - skidpan

A poster on another forum shares information on possible plans to have all cars fitted with 'telematics' to tell where, when and how you drive, make classics uninsurable.

How would this make classics uninsurable? A simple after market device would be made available. Surely its no different to the "black box" already used by insurance companies.

Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - galileo

A poster on another forum shares information on possible plans to have all cars fitted with 'telematics' to tell where, when and how you drive, make classics uninsurable.

How would this make classics uninsurable? A simple after market device would be made available. Surely its no different to the "black box" already used by insurance companies.

I personally object to anyone, Insurance company included, monitoring where, when and how I drive: existing Telematics boxes are optional, needing to have such a device in order to drive is a step too far.

Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - Chris M

"I personally object to anyone, Insurance company included, monitoring where, when and how I drive"

And your bank, credit card, loyalty cards etc. gathering data on how you spend your time and money presumably?

And that's before you consider how much your mobile phone and apps track your whereabouts.

Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - Engineer Andy

"I personally object to anyone, Insurance company included, monitoring where, when and how I drive"

And your bank, credit card, loyalty cards etc. gathering data on how you spend your time and money presumably?

And that's before you consider how much your mobile phone and apps track your whereabouts.

Why should they? I have no problem in that being an opt-in thing, but having no choice in the matter, especially as they sell on the data to brokers, many of whom I am told aren't exactly ethical to whom they then sell it onto (which is why we get junk and phishing emails and phone calls / texts, and fraud attempts).

They are one step away from a Chinese-style social credit system, especially when combined with 'government' tracking and mandatory ID/personal info wheezes.

Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - Engineer Andy

A poster on another forum shares information on possible plans to have all cars fitted with 'telematics' to tell where, when and how you drive, make classics uninsurable.

If true, a worrying prospect. here's a link to his YouTube detailed story.


This is not the first time I've heard this account - I recently came across a video from another UK-based car trader (by pure accident - I was looking into how second hand car prices were going generally) and it was one of his other videos on the 'recommended' column.

Whilst this is perfectly plausible (as in I wouldn't put it passed them), as yet, no actual physical evidence has been given, and thus it could be a hoax by some person just wanting fame or to mess with people's heads, especially at the moment.

It could just as easily be something made up by people wanting to distract the public from something else that's rather nasty they are / going to be doing.

I will reserve judgement until I see some proof. Let's hope it isn't true or that proof comes before it's implemented.

Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - madf

I wish people would stop posting scare stories from sources with no credibility.

Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - Terry W

That cars may be tracked is no surprise - it is one option for road pricing for EVs to replace fuel duties as they decline.

Given the life of a new car could be 20 years or more, even if the law were changed today to mandate fitment of trackers it would be 2 decades before substantially all cars were so equipped.

Therefore it seems likely that if ever implemented provision would need to be made to retrofit existing cars including classics.

The issue of civil rights etc is mostly a red herring - I assume anyone carrying a switched on smartphone can be tracked - or you would never receive a call whilst out and about.

Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - Big John

Recent newish cars already know where you are anyway - as part of the SOS emergency gubbins.

Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - craig-pd130

Recent newish cars already know where you are anyway - as part of the SOS emergency gubbins.

Exactly this. See also the recent-ish 'crossbow murder' case in Anglesey in which data from JLR's servers was obtained about a Range Rover's movements and actions and used as part of the successful prosecution.


Car insurance to be used to limit freedom? - movilogo

Recent newish cars already know where you are anyway

and how fast you were travelling.

My car shows (via phone app) on every journey (from ignition start to stop) how much I travelled and what max speed achieved.

I do have the option to turn it off. But I guess that means I as user won't get to see the data but the car internally will still store this data.