The wife's Scenic has started to mist up badly on recent mornings. Turns out the passenger footwell is very damp (recurring). I've seen threads relating to other cars with similar problems so have checked some's not losing water, the heating is fine (so I assume not a matrix leak) so I'm assuming a leaking vent or blocked drainplug.
Before I start ripping carpets out has anyone come across this in a Scenic or are there some specific places to look for a leak/blockage?
Many thanks
I too have a 1998 dti but never had problems with water ingress. Do you have aircon? If the drain channel is blocked water could land in the footwell but very unlikely that it would soak the carpet at this time of year with low ambient temperatures. Could be leak from heater air intake into the footwell as I think that the heater "bits" are behind the glove box. Have you felt up behind the glove box to see if you can find where the water is coming from?
No, no aircon.
I didn't mention it above but I did feel up around the top and sides of the footwell and that was dry. As was behind the glovebox. According to the wife the windscrren has got ice on it on the inside too but maybe that is just from condensation from a leak elsewhere.
Pollen filter is always the first place to look.
It will hold water like a sponge & throw condensation onto the windscreen.
Without having to go and invest in a Haynes where will I find the pollen filter? Is it an easy job?
10 minute job to change.
In the top of the front passenger footwell. The pollen filter stands vertical. A sliding cover holds it in place.
You will need Torx drivers to undo the screws that hold the sliding cover in place.
If it has not been changed for 4 years it will be blocked solid.
It could be the internal polythene door seal behind the trim that is damaged or come unstuck. This would allow water to run down the inside of the door, i.e. on the inside of the rubber seals around the door. Check if the internal trim is damp along the bottom of the door.
I'll give the pollen filter and door seal a go at the weekend.
Thanks for the info