It’s definitely an anti-EV week for the DM. Yesterday was a feature in Mail Money entitled ‘Electric car drivers are forced to clog their phones with more than 30 apps to navigate the charging network’. Catchy, eh? It’s all complete nonsense, obviously.
Probably a clickbait headline. I suspect there probably are 30 phone apps (but across Android and iOS) for charging / mapping of charging stations using the various types / makes of charger for each provider.
Like with the screenscraper websites covering insurance etc, I'm sure some cover more providers than others, but none cover all, which is why you often need to use a few cover the vast majority of insurers.
Still, I've read and seen enough newspaper / car mag and TV / YouTube reports (including here) about the inadequacies of the process to know that EV charging (whether the apps and/or charger network itself) stil has a LONG way to go to catch up the ease-of-use of the standardised, reliable ICE vehicle filling station system.
I still have serious doubts whether the former will be robust / adequate enough to cope with the 'changeover' to EVs come 2030 / 2035, and it appears the UK isn't anywhere near alone on this either. Not really a surprise though, I have to say, given the nature of the policies in that regard, how and who is overseeing / implementing it.