camper insurance - 9000
I'm considering making a rash purchase- a camper van.
Before I go ahead I need to cost insurance.

As the vehicle I am looking at is not a factory built camper but a minibus conversion I am a little worried that cost of insurance will make the idea a non starter. I've done a little research and found that some companies look for engineers reports on the conversion before covering additionally the fact that it has been modified from factory spec may result in a 'Max Power' surcharge on the premium. Does anyone know of any companies which may specialise in cover for such vehicles.

Many thanks

camper insurance - Vin {P}
Sorry if this is off topic, but the thread title made me laugh, as it made me think of a Tommy Cooper joke (needs to be read out loud):

I went to Millets and said, 'I want to buy a tent.' He said, 'To camp?', I said (butchly) 'Sorry, I want to buy a tent.' I said 'I also want to buy a caravan.' He said 'Camper?' I said (campily) 'Make your mind up.'

camper insurance - Peter D
Victory and Liverpool. Peter
camper insurance - owen
Your best bet is to buy a camper magazine and check out the specialist insurers. They will give you a decent price for a camper policy (i.e. one with limited miles, and allow you to keep your no claims on your main car, similar sort of thing to classic insurance i think). Not sure of exact prices, as you need to be 25 - when we had our van i was 23, so none of the camper specialists would touch me. I ended up paying over £1000!! When I switched the insurance to a Lotus Elan the insurance went DOWN!!!

Definitely not a stupid idea though, it's without a doubt the best type of holiday you'll ever go on!
camper insurance - Budgie
9000 - the one I use is via "SAFEGUARD" (haven't got a phone number to hand, but look on the web - they're based in Leeds I think). I'm paying about 300PA fully comp on a van worth about 18k, with full AA cover included. I've been with them for the last 3-4 yrs and haven't found any better ones.
Also, check that you're covered for taking it to work etc. if need be - many of the specialised motorvan insurers exclude this (most owners are a little more mature than me), but the safeguard policy is OK for this.
You definitely need a specific motorvan insurance policy (home conversion is usually OK as long as it has a fixed sink, a bed etc. - i.e. not just a mattress + a bucket in the back of a transit). Normal insurance policies take no account of the added value a conversion gives to the base vehicle, or cover for fittings, awnings, extra valuables etc..
camper insurance - mark999
Try the caravan club insurance. I read somewhere that they insure self built camper vans
camper insurance - 9000
Thanks for all the replies- I manged to get a £300 quote without too much difficulty- I am sure I could reduce this by a bit more ringing around. The camper I had my eye on turned out to be a bit of a shed though.