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Mums To Be Parking Bays - pdc {P}
Have tried to find a suitable past thread to slot this into, but couldn\'t.

We\'ve had Disabled parking bays, Parent with child bays and now my local ASDA have Mums To Be parking bays. The painted yellow symbol is a stalk, in flight, with bundle of joy in it\'s mouth

Could we have a Lazy person bay next please, with a symbol of someone lounging in a chair, beer in one hand, remote control in the other ;0)
Mums To Be Parking Bays - Ian (Cape Town)
Absolute sexist. I'm going to campaign for a 'dads to be' slot at my local shopping centre! (I've alreday p'ed them off for parking in the 'mums-with-toddlers' bays - apparently dads with toddlers don't count!)

PS, don't waste this opportunity. Keep a spare cushion in the car, for pregnancy simulation!
Mums To Be Parking Bays - OldPeculiar
Don't knock it, It can be suprisingly difficult for a heavily pregnant lass to get in and out of her car. A 4 week pregnant woman on the other hand.......
Mums To Be Parking Bays - Baskerville
>It can be suprisingly difficult for a heavily pregnant lass to get in and out of her car.

True. But on the other hand I know someone who rode in a 100 mile charity bike ride on the day her baby was due--she argued that with all those St John's ambulances around it was safer than sitting at home. She made it too: the baby was born a week (and a further 200 miles of cycling) later. How soft are most people?
Mums To Be Parking Bays - peterb
The problem is that most parking bays are too small for anyone wider than a Supermodel to climb out of any vehicle bigger than a Lupo.
Mums To Be Parking Bays - CM
Had a good one over the festive period. Looking for a place in Tesco's Bangor, and all the disabled and children bays were taken. Saw a child slot and went to it to be beaten by a 50 year old man. The wife asked him why he was parking there without children and the reply was that no one took any notice of them at this time of the year
Mums To Be Parking Bays - PoloGirl
Sorry but I always park in these if they're free. Yes, disabled people and people with buggies and things need more space, but I can't see why pregnant women should have it - in fact they should be walking further to strengthen those pelvic muscles!!

I'd like to be there when someone is challenged for using them - "are you actually pregnant, madam, or just a bit fat?"

Can I have a "it's raining and Polo doesn't like being left on his own for too long" space? ;-)

Mums To Be Parking Bays - BobbyG
Have commented on these reserved bays before and got chastised for it. For every argument there is a counter argument.
Disabled - need extra space especially if they have one of these contraptions to bring a wheelchair down from the roofrack etc. But the slightly disabled who can walk all round the shopping centre?
Parents and child - at what age do they stop being a child?
Pregnant - why do you need extra space?
Sounds to me to be a decision made in a head office and then left to the store management to take the flak for it!!

On a personal basis, I wish they just made all the spaces bigger! It is for that reason I always park as far away from the store entrance as possible to prevent dents to my bodywork. Park next to the entrance and you could have say, 5 cars come and go whilst you are in, 2 doors on your side = 10 possible attacks on your bodywork. Park further away and chances are you will have no-one either side of you!
Mums To Be Parking Bays - mab23

Exactly, I would like a "I care about my car and don't want twonks putting dents in it" parking space.

Actually, they usually already exist - they're the ones on the far side of the car park that nobody uses... :-)

Mums To Be Parking Bays - Aprilia
I'm a pretty big guy (not fat, just very tall and very broad). I find most cars a bit on the small side and UK parking bays are often so tight it is not possible to even half-open the door on a largish car - hence I often struggle to get in and out.

Having said the above, I would not dream of using a disabled space, parent-and-child space, pregnant woman space etc. The only people who would use these spaced are those with a lack of empathy for others who find 'getting around' rather difficult. I have seen perfectly able-bodied people drive into a disabled space and jump out, trot into the stores - very selfish and ignorant IMHO.

British people are on-the-whole very ill-mannered when it comes to dealing with the disabled or pregnant women. I remember quite a few years ago when my wife was 7 months pregnant and we were in Barcelona (I was there on business for a while) even in the rush hour people would make room for her and give up seats on trains and busses - you certainly wouldn't get that in most UK cities!
Mums To Be Parking Bays - pdc {P}
I usually park at the far corner of a carpark, as walking to and from my car is the only exercise I get!!!!!
Mums To Be Parking Bays - Adam {P}
I feel rather foolish - I only entered this thread because I was intrigued as to how they could make mums into parking bays.

Sorry :-)

"Give Way"? Wait....I know this one...give me a minute
Mums To Be Parking Bays - mikeyb
I agree, a lot of us here are ignorant. We have a 15 month old and its almost imposible to get him in / out of the car without opening the door fully so these spaces are really useful for us, but are often full of no child people, but I would also like to say that because we have a baby dosent mean we need to park right by the door - we can still walk! I think shopping centres and supermarkets should consider putting specialist spaces further away from the door in order to stop everyone wanting to use them. My local Tesco has the parent and baby spaces right on the far side and this deters people without a genuine need to from using them.

Also we were in London a few weeks ago for the weekend and used the tube extensivley. My partner is 8.5 months pregnant and only once did anybody offer to give up their seat for her. Supprisingly it was a female teenager - so thanks to that person.
Mums To Be Parking Bays - NARU
Exactly, I would like a "I care about my car and
don't want twonks putting dents in it" parking space.
Actually, they usually already exist - they're the ones on the
far side of the car park that nobody uses... :-)

One of the reasons I prefer to shop at Costco - decent wide spaces!!!
Mums To Be Parking Bays - SteveH42
Actually, they usually already exist - they're the ones on the
far side of the car park that nobody uses... :-)

That one doesn't seem to work for me, although luckily the Yaris seems remarkably resilient to dents. Twice recently when I've actually been in the car I've had doors opened on to it. The most recent was in an Aldi car park where a banged up old Renault 19 had parked beside me while I was in the shop. I'd got back in the car and was using the phone when the owners returned. Mother opens the door for her young kid to get in who promptly pushes it as far open as she can right in to the side of my car... By the time I'd finished on the phone and got out they'd scarpered but I did get the registration. However, no dent evident which is a surprise given the clang.

I find when I try and park in quiet areas of car parks it seems to attract people to park right next to me rather than the opposite. Once in B&Q I'd parked well away from the store as I knew I'd need to get the doors wide open as I was buying something big. I was rather narked when I got back to find that despite there being loads of spare space around me someone had parked leaving me less than a foot to open the door..

As for these spaces, well, disabled and pregnant I can understand, as long as they are policed. Mother and Child? Yes, if only to keep the ^%^£%s away from the rest of us (as above!), but I can't see why they need priority close to the store...
Mums To Be Parking Bays - np
It's not a problem for me, and I never take a disabled or child space (unless I have my child with me - and not always then). I simply park across two regular spaces. Problem solved.
Mums To Be Parking Bays - No Do$h
As for these spaces, well, disabled and pregnant I
can understand, as long as they are policed. Mother and Child?
Yes, if only to keep the ^%^£%s away from the rest
of us (as above!), but I can't see why they need
priority close to the store...

With the way most morons drive in shop car parks, would you want to try and get your offspring safely from the far reaches to the door? It's about safety, not mollycoddling.

For the avoidance of doubt this post comes to you courtesy of No Dosh the individual, not No Dosh the moderator. Replies to this post will be responded to as such so won't be deleted simply because they run contrary to my personal views.
Mums To Be Parking Bays - BobbyG
ND, surely you don't need to post a disclaimer every time you wish to express your opinion?
Mums To Be Parking Bays - SteveH42
With the way most morons drive in shop car parks, would
you want to try and get your offspring safely from the
far reaches to the door? It's about safety, not mollycoddling.

True about the driving standards, but the spaces don't need to be near the entrance to be safely accessible. Most stores have the door towards one corner - simply put the mother and child (parent and child to be PC?) spaces at the other corner so they just have to walk along the front of the store to get to them.

What it would be nice to see is the area by the door devoid of roadways so you don't get the idiots tearing past people going in and out or parking blocking the entrance just so Sharon and little Tracy don't need to walk more than 5 yards.
Mums To Be Parking Bays - NowWheels
With the way most morons drive in shop car parks, would
you want to try and get your offspring safely from the
far reaches to the door? It's about safety, not

Hmm. Maybe another way to improve safety would be to provide no parking spaces for the worst drivers. No BMWs, no 4X4s, anywhere in the car park: that'd make things safer. Mind you, where I live, you'd also need to ban old red Nissans with fins on them, and in Essex maybe you'd have to ban old Fords with jacked-up wheels and blacked-out windows.

Might be a little difficult to enforce, though, and not entirely fair -- not all BMW drivers are wild (and when I've driven recently I have been surprised to find that Passat drivers now seemed to be the ones most likely to indulge in tailgating and barging and so on).

Whatever it takes, though, I think it's a really good idea to make things a bit easier for pregnant women and for those with young kids. Much as I'm tempted, I don't think I'd bother getting pregnant just to save a few minutes walk to the supermarket doors ...

Mums To Be Parking Bays - Algernon
I would vote for bays for old men, say over 75, who though not disabled on a rigidly strict application of the rules have no practical experience of walking far for the last half century or so, and do not have the right background to get sympathy from the minions of the local bolshevik council; yet who now have to do the shopping and things.

Fat chance.
Mums To Be Parking Bays - malteser
"Mums To Be Parking Bays" (sic) Hmm - I can think of a good few mums who would object to a car being parked on themselves!
"Rude, crude and socially unacceptable"
Mums To Be Parking Bays - Bromptonaut
In theory would favour this. Partner remained reasonably mobile throughout but recall several colleagues and friends really suffering in the last eight weeks.

Policing might be a problem. Some lithe young thing parks there and claims to be eight weeks gone?. Or perhaps like sainsbury's when my two were little you need a permit.

Mums To Be Parking Bays - smokie
I assume the idea of parent and child parking bays is for the child's protection.

I'm just sitting back in wonderment and trying to remember how we managed 15 years ago when mine were small...

Or even further back, when I was a kid.

I think half the problem these days is with the parents themselves, not the kids. Minds on something else, oblivious to little Johnny running riot and making a nuisance of himself.

I was gobsmacked the other day queueing behind a lady watching her little kids open triple boxes of 35mm film in a "bin" as they queued by the checkout. The little **** was opening them, tipping out the three films, then putting the lot back into the bin. Making them unsaleable. And Mum watching. With no comment.

If parents took more *real* interest in their kids, and taught them proper manners and road sense etc then nanny wouldn't need to be taking over would she?

Mums To Be Parking Bays - trancer
The "child" parking spots at the local supermarket have more space between them than others, so its more a case of giving parents room to get the child in and out of car seats than not making them walk too far.

Having transported my step-granddaugher a few times and being quite big myself, I find it nearly impossible to maneover her in and out of the carseat while only able to open the car door the small amount allowed by standard parking bays. Its a case of having to reach in with my arms only, fiddle with belts and then trying to contort her body out of the car. Usually with the door frame giving her a few knocks on the head on the way out/in. No wonder the poor thing has recently added "Ooops" and "Careful" to her vocabulary 8-)
Mums To Be Parking Bays - Baskerville
Sliding doors on cars is the answer. Narrows the field down a bit though, doesn't it?
Mums To Be Parking Bays - THe Growler
Got just the one for you Guv. My neighbour's got a very nice 1998 Mitsubishi L300 diesel passenger van with sliding doors.....
Mums To Be Parking Bays - frostbite
Some lithe young thing parks there
and claims to be eight weeks gone?.

Or even fifteen minutes?
Mums To Be Parking Bays - Hawesy1982
Presicely frostbite, there needs to be signs on poles near the spaces giving a definition of each case.

I'm 21, if i go to ASDA with my dad, do i have the right to use this space?

Of course not, yet i am still his child.

Say make 'pregant' spaces for women 5-6 months gone plus, and a 'child' to be under 5?
Mums To Be Parking Bays - OldPeculiar
Citing definitions for different types of reserved space?!? It kind of suggests that people are dolts. Surely all we need is a little bit of common sense and common courtesy. Ah, I see.....Maybe we do need to remind people.

Roll on the talking car that tells you what red and amber means whenever you approach a set of lights!!
Mums To Be Parking Bays - BazzaBear {P}
Roll on the talking car that tells you what red and
amber means whenever you approach a set of lights!!

Speed on through? ;)
Mums To Be Parking Bays - clariman
Looking at the title of this thread, I have visions of women being used as bicycle racks.

Mums To Be Parking Bays - No Do$h
Oh, you've met my ex-wife then?