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Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - owen
Well, i\'ve been well and truly convinced by the Toyota Hilux on Top Gear, to the extent that last friday i went out and bought one - a 1986, 2 litre petrol 4WD.

A couple of bits and pieces need seeing to, first of all the engine runs fine, but as you come to a standstill the revs seem to drop very low, and occasionally it stalls. It starts up again fine, but it\'s quite inconvenient having to start it again at every junction! Any ideas? I\'m planning to change plugs, points rotor arm and distributor cap - any other things which are likely to be causing this?

Also, anybody out there with any experience of these? What other things do i need to keep an eye on?

Toyota Hilux - No Do$h
Check the vacuum advance/retard if it's stalling as you approach junctions/slow. The diaphragm may have rupture. Remove the vacuum hose (not from the advance/retard unit for obvious reasons) with the engine at idle and suck gently. If the diaphragm is ok the engine revs will increase.
Toyota Hilux - owen
Cheers No Dosh, just tried what you suggested -

On removing the vacuum pipe the revs dropped slightly, which indicates that the diaphragm must be doing something. However, sucking on the pipe does not change the revs at all. So maybe worth changing the vacuum unit? If so, can you buy the diaphragm, or the whole thing?
Toyota Hilux - No Do$h
You should get a small increase in revs from this. It's been a while since I fiddled with these things so I've amended the title of the thread to see if it will catch a more general audience.

The diaphragm is not usually available as a separate part, but the change in revs on disconnecting suggests it is at least partially functioning.

The symptoms you describe are normally attributable to problems with timing/ignition, hence my suggestion that you look at the vacuum adv/retard. It could equally be sticking points or poor timing adjustment.

I'm not familiar with the specific engine on your vehicle, but have played with a couple of other Toyotas (I would never play with a real one) of a similar vintage.

You are doing the right thing by replacing the dizzy cap and leads. Whilst you're at it and have the cap off, it will only be a few extra minutes work to change the points as well before we go as far as replacing the vacuum unit.

Anyone else got anything to add?

No Dosh

Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - David Davies
You could have a partially blocked idle jet inside the carburetter causing this problem,if all else fails.Unfortuneately the jet is not easily removed from the carb.without dismantling,so check everything else first.Idle jet problems are often caused by the use of the wrong air filter or no filter at all.
David Davies (Tune-Up Raglan)
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - RichardW
Drop in revs when removing the pipe is probably caused by the engine sucking more air after the carb and weakening the mixture. Put your finger over the hole in the manifold and see if the revs rise again.

In order to do anything with the timing, you really need to get a timing light.


Is it illogical? It must be Citroen....
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - owen
The truck ran well this morning, until i tried to pull out of a junction and it coughed, spluttered and stalled. Wasn't keen to start again either, although it did after a couple of minutes. It's a manual choke (i've forgotten what a pain these are!) and playing about with it seemed to encourage it to start, although that may have been coincidence.

I'm going to try and replace the ignition bits today (points, dizzy cap, rotor arm, leads, probably plugs too) and see what difference that makes. I've got a timing light but haven't got the haynes manual to see what the correct timing is, or the points gap - there's an australian and an american version of the haynes manual, but i'm not sure if they cover my vehicle. i'll have to check somehow.

Looking at a catalogue of hilux bits on the internet, i've found something described as "Electronic ignition - replaces points" which i'm assuming can be retro-fitted to do as it describes! Do you think this would be worthwhile (i.e. more reliable) as it's £60?

In the meantime, thanks for your help - keep it coming, and i'll update as i replace bits until it works!

Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - No Do$h
£60 is a small price to pay for more reliable ignition IMO. However before shelling out I would stick with what you are doing in case you unearth other problems that may or may not be resolved with this extra outlay.

You\'ve got me thinking now... I did a search for HiLux on Autotrader and found a few early \"Runners\" for under a grand. What a weekend plaything!
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - owen
You're not the only one No Dosh - a mate of mine has spent all yesterday afternoon on autotrader! They do hold their value though.

Unfortunately for me, mine needs to be an everyday car as well as a toy - i'll be glad when i've sorted these bits and peices out. having said that, i got to work this morning without incident - i'm getting the knack of the choke more now!

I'm picking up the spares this morning and hoping to fit them in my dinner hour, so i'll let you know if they make any difference.

Meanwhile, thanks for everyone's help - i'ev got a feeling i'll be needing a fair bit more in the next few months!
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - Mark (RLBS)
I've used a Hilux extensively in the mountains. Its an outstanding vehicle off-road. We had about 5 of them and they used to take a ferocious beating and we never had an issue - started every morning, ran all day, never broke (other than one that a rock dropped on).

They were kind of a pain on the freeway though. Although the fact that we had off-road and snow tyres on them obviously didn't help.

Much as I like them, its not a vehicle I'd have unless I either really needed a pick-up or really needed agressive off-road ability.
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - owen
OK, replaced plugs, dizzy cap and air filter (leads were the wrong type, ditto rotor arm, and too dark to risk the points!). Not driven it yet, so not sure if improved.

However, the plugs were really sooty, indicating that it's running rich. Is it possible to adjust the mixture accurately at home, or am i better off just taking it somewhere. I'm guessing on an engine this old, it's just a matter of adjusting a screw on the carb, but i've got no equipment to tell me if the mixture is right.

(before anyone says it, i am looking for a haynes manual, but nowhere stocks the one i need locally, so it'll have to be mail order!)
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - No Do$h
If you click on the link top-right you will go directly to the Haynes site. I\'ve had a quick look and it seems they only offer the US and Australian ones you already have. There isn\'t a UK spec HiLux manual available after 1983 build.

On the plus side, a quick google through up this: www.showmesome.info/hilux/site/site_map.htm

There are links to the various workshop manuals for the HiLux on this page.....

Happy reading!
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - owen
Cheers No Dosh - spoke to Haynes technical services yesterday, and apparently the ozzie manual should cover most of my car, so i've ordered it, should be here some time next week hopefully.

After changing plugs, air filter and dizzy cap there's been no improvement. I'll change the rest of the ignition parts when i get hold of the correct ones, but the blackness of the plugs, along with a strong smell of petrol when i stall is making me think it's related to the carbuerettor (never had to spell that word before!).

On another note, i've heard that the hilux engine was also used in some daihatsu fourtracks - can anybody confirm this? A mate of mine has a fourtrack he's looking to give away free (MOT failure) which could be ideal for parts...
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - No Do$h
Daihatsu are owned by Toyota so there may be some truth in that. Go and have a look and see if anything looks familiar.

ps. Hope you ordered the Haynes manual using the link on the top right of this page........
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - owen
Just spoke to my mate, his is a diesel - doh! He did however recommend a "colourtune" plug to check the mixture with - is this likely to be accurate enough for my fairly primitive engine?

Yep, i did use the link - why?
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - No Do$h
Just spoke to my mate, his is a diesel - doh!
He did however recommend a "colourtune" plug to check the
mixture with - is this likely to be accurate enough
for my fairly primitive engine?

Blimey, do they still make those?
Yep, i did use the link - why?

Then thank you from HJ.

When you click on that link it informs Haynes that you were referred from an advert on this site. All helps keep this place running.
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - No Do$h


Gunsons Colortune. £21.00 plus the cost of any adaptor if you have an odd plug size.
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - owen
Just had a thought - anybody know if this engine is designed to run on unleaded or 4 star (or LRP, or whatever)? Having got through £30 worth of fuel in 150 miles, i'm eager to sort this problem out!
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - No Do$h
IIRC, Toyota petrol engines have been capable of running on UL since the early 1980s. Certainly an '82 Corolla I ran many moons ago was fine on the stuff.
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - No Do$h
here you go:


Check your engine code against those listed for the HiLux. I seem to recall that all post '86 petrol engines can be run on unleaded.

I'll stand back and await the rush of people telling me otherwise.
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - owen
Yep, it's fine on unleaded according to that list, i've just phoned the local toyota garage too and they confirmed it. Seems that's not the problem then. It was really ropey this morning, i need my haynes manual to arrive soon!
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - owen
Well i've just bought a colortune plug, £19.95 from halfords. Not sure how accurate it's going to be, but worth a try. Especially at the current consumption figure of about 18mpg.
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - owen
Well i've got my haynes manual, so i'll start going through it over the next few days. Another symptom though is that when i'm trying to accelerate and it starts spluttering, there is a definite smell of petrol. So i'm going to check for any fuel leaks - any other possible reasons for this?
Petrol Toyota Hilux stalling at junction - owen
Just an update on my knackered old truck, if anyone's interested...

Couldn't get the engine to idle steadily enough to make any carb adjustments, so decided in my "wisdom" that i should strip the carb down. Did so, put it back together, and it didn't work at all, so bought a weber replacement carb (£225!!) Fitted that, and it now runs fine!