I have a 2001 406 SE coupe. I\'m getting rain water draining out of a small hole in the heater blower, and soaking the passenger footwell carpet. At first I thought it was water coming in around the pollen filter housing, (and dropping straight onto the blower), but I now think not. After a heavy downpour I dropped the blower off and found wetness inside the duct wher the air is blown to, ie towards the heater. It only happens when it rains, and it gets quite heavy. How is rainwater getting in here? I have only recently bought the car so don\'t know it\'s full history. Can anyone help? Thanks.
possible heater air intake drain holes blocked by leaves/dirt.Used to be a common problem but on old 70`s cars mostly vauxhalls worth a look though
Thanks, did check this out, the air intake is at the pollen filter.Seems to be OK though. Any other ways of getting rainwater into the heating system?
May be the outer seals leaking on the air intake.apart from this I am not aware of any other way water can penetrate.unless the matrix is leaking