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let chris watson stay. - coco the clown
please please please please let me stay, i promise NEVER to insult, or tell lies, or i will immediately withdraw myself and my name from this website, also i will give only give answers to questions i know. yours with many thanks... chris watson.
Re: let chris watson stay. - bob the builder
how do you manage to write to this site so much?
Re: let chris watson stay. - Andrew Hamilton
I notice C Watson no longer on pay by minute ic24.
Re: let chris watson stay. - Jet Jockey8
Chris Waton is a time wasting idiot on an otherwise sensible site. Flush him away and see who misses him!
Re: let chris watson stay. - Sandy
Perhaps so, but can't he just come back with an infinity of silly names (I must not write, like Jet Jockey8, for instance)?

Occasionally he amuses me, which is more than some do, but to those who really do not want him, try just not responding!

PS Is it true you have to love tree-huggers and anti-motorists of all sorts, official and otherwise, to be allowed on this site?
Re: let chris watson stay. - Jet Jockey8
What's so silly about being "Jet Jockey"? I am a pilot. Is Sandy a beachcomber?
Re: let chris watson stay. - Martyn (Back Room Moderator)
Chris Watson will not be allowed to stay, as far as I can help it. He's proved that, in spite of the large amount of slack given to him, he can't get on with others, to the extent that he's contacted people away from the forum but via the forum and abused them.

Sandy is right when he says that Chris has given greater value in amusement than a lot of people who remain here, but he overstepped the mark too many times. Sandy is also right when he says that anyone can by-pass the current sanctions by using a different name, and at the moment there isn't too much we can do about that. Sandy is wrong when he cites tree-hugging as a qualification for being able to contribute.

JetJockey can keep his name. There's nothing wrong with it at all. And as long as I'm moderating The Back Room nicknames (such as Honest John) will be welcome, unless they're frivolous to the point of stupidity or they're offensive. But JJ, I'd ask you not to rise to Sandy's needling about your name. Let it go over your head or we'll just get into another ridiculous round of dispute. At which point I shall close the forum altogether.
Re: let chris watson stay. - Ian Aspinall
Martyn, can't you ban someone by IP address instead of by name? I know this facility is available to moderators on other forums. After all, most people only have access to 1 or 2 computers, so it wouldn't be too hard to stop all but the most determined miscreant.

Re: Controlling users - Andrew Smith
This wouldn't work as very few of you access the internet using a static IP address. On most dial up access accounts you are dynamically allocated a new address every time you connect. (although generally from the same range)
Those who do appear with a static address may be accessing the internet through some kind of proxy so that all people in the same company for example will come out on the same address.
The best solution is heavy handed moderation, and a system which forces registration before you can post. That way at least the rest of us cannot be impersonated. I'm sure something sneaky can be done with cookies to spot those persons trying to use multiple identities (unless they delete them of course)
Re: Controlling users - Martyn (Back Room Moderator)
Andrew Smith wrote:
> This wouldn't work as very few of you access the internet
> using a static IP address.

Yes, Andrew, that's the case. Take for example "---.cache.pol.co.uk", the IP that Chris has been using in his new 'disguises'. If I were to block all posts from that IP, I'd be blocking a good proportion of regular and responsible contributors, since it belongs to Energis which is a proxy host for several large ISPs.

> The best solution is heavy handed moderation, and a system
> which forces registration before you can post. That way at
> least the rest of us cannot be impersonated. I'm sure
> something sneaky can be done with cookies to spot those
> persons trying to use multiple identities (unless they delete
> them of course).

This is a road I don't want to go down. I'm completely against close moderation, because I think it stifles a community. And there's no way it can be done without it being obvious (how, for example, would you account for the fact that no posts went up on the board out of my working hours?). Registration, though, is something we're looking at. As for cookies, we have to be very careful about those. Lots of people have written to say that they're worried about what data we gather from cookies at present (virtually none, and even then only stuff that tells us which browser is being used and which posts have been read -- to proovide the 'new' flag). But that would certainly be possible.
Re: let chris watson stay. - Jet Jockey8
The problem is, so far as I understand it, with some ISPs you get a different IP address every time you log on - I know I do with AOL.
Re: Controlling users - honest john
Honest John is not a nickname. It is a by-line which has become a trade mark. The owner of that trade make created this site.

Re: Controlling users - Martyn (Back Room moderator)
I wrote:

> And as long as I'm moderating The Back Room nicknames (such as
> Honest John) will be welcome

And then Honest John wrote:
> Honest John is not a nickname. It is a by-line which has
> become a trade mark. The owner of that trade make created
> this site.

Gulp. Better not upset the owner! In fact, for the purposes of contributing to the forum, Honest John is as much a nickname as JetJockey, insofar as it stands in for its owner's real identity. But of course, HJ uses it in the context of his day job too.
Re: Controlling users - Ashley
If someone takes advantage or abuses a privilege then they untimately lose that privilege. To contact someone via this forum to hurl abuse at them is, in my opinion, a very low way of abusing their freedom to speak openly in this forum. Wars were fought to retain freedom of speech, but to use it in a vindictive way and cause ill-feeling and resentment among people is not on.

Having a laugh and a joke is fine, but the line must be drawn somewhere, and that's where Martyn comes in. If he finds that someone has crossed the line and other forum contributors feel the same, then it's up to Martyn to deal with it. It's not up to the individual concerned to take matters into their own hands and make matters worse, they should contact Martyn ( or whoever is governer )and let him/her deal with it fairly.

Never burn bridges unecessary, you might need to cross back over at a later date. Chris Watson burned his bridges as he went, and now he's found that he can't cross back over to apologise.


Re: Controlling users - rococo
i had people emailing me nasty messages about my choice of cars. i had one man saying that i should be in one of my cars, and let the chieftain tank go over it, and another guy said that he would love to drive the tank over me and my house. is this really what the forum is about???

i am sorry about what i said, but i just wish people would leave me and my cars alone.
Re: Controlling users - Ticked Off
Leave this site alone then.
Re: Controlling users - Mary Longford
Hello again.

Is that you again Martin?

Still having problems with your name and (email) address?

So it can't have been you that was receiving nasty emails.

But I suppose there is nothing stopping you "responding" to them, nor complaining about them.

And throwing the baby out with the BATH water.
Re: Controlling users - Jet Jockey8
Rococo. If that is the sort of response you were getting it was probably due to the content of your posts. People don't just pick on you at random - you must have said something to set them off. Keep it sensible relevant and truthful and you'll get as much out of this site as everybody else does!
Re: HJ - Stu
"Honest John is not a nickname. It is a by-line which has become a trade mark. The owner of that trade mark created this site."

Peter Lorimer?