Range Rover drivers round here refuse to drive on the verge on single track roads as the car might get muddy - or - heaven forbid - scratched by a bramble. If it is muddy - like the past six months, they are right to do so - as their LR comes on summer tyres with no grip in mud.
Any way thyu are too wide for single track roads..
During the course of my work I often find myself on unclassified roads and it does seem to be the case that drivers of enormous SUV's (all makes and models, not just Range Rover) seem to have not the faintest idea where the n/s of their car is. I invariably find myself putting the n/s wheels of my Caddy van fully off the road to get by, while theirs are still a foot away from the verge!
Just the other day I went round a corner and came face to face with a large (BMW) SUV on my side of the road, avoiding driving through a large puddle!
Actually one recent 'incident' did involve something from the Land Rover stable. I was stuck behind a Discovery who's driver wouldn't go above 15mph on a road with a modest covering of wet snow............