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Amaryllis discussion - Xileno

The amaryllis posts has been transplanted with care to this part of the garden

Some posts edited to change subject line and remove any non-amaryllis comments.

Amaryllis discussion - Xileno

FP wrote:

Enjoy your amaryllis. I have grown them a few times and my late mother was particularly fond of them. Have you ever tried the challenge of keeping a poinsettia from season to season and ensuring it produces red leaves (or whatever colour has been bred into it) in time for Christmas?

Amaryllis discussion - Xileno

sammy1 wrote:

Re the poinsettia, the red leaves are called bracts. we always have one for X mass but the central heating does them no favours so it struggles and usually get a new one

Amaryllis discussion - bathtub tom

Enjoy your amaryllis. I have grown them a few times and my late mother was particularly fond of them.

I enjoy growing them, currently got a twin stem with seven flowers. I'll keep watering it until the weather's a little warmer, then take it outside in the pot. When the leaves give up, I remove the bulb and put it in the shed until I want it to flower again (sometimes they'll show they want to grow again by producing new growth by themselves). I feed them banana skins and keep them away from apples (the ethylene can turn them sterile). They can be made to experience Winter by putting them in the fridge for a few days to encourage re-growth.

Edited by Xileno on 01/03/2023 at 17:51

Amaryllis discussion - sammy1

Thank you for the advice. It is amazing just what nature does. From a bulb about the size of a cricket ball 2 flower stalks each about 24inches tall and self supporting. Slow to get started and then rocketing away for the first flower in just 52 days. The second flowers after 15 days both are the 4 flower variety sort of set in a square. 2 flowers come out first and the as they are going past their best another two each about 6 inched diameter. A native of South Africa must be quite a site in the wild

Edited by Xileno on 01/03/2023 at 17:51

Amaryllis discussion - _

YRG gardens as a relaxation from her job, and I'm changing her name to "Greensleeves" in honour of the scrubs she wears at work.

That girl could make anything grow! Our garden looks like a garden centre.

Edited by Xileno on 01/03/2023 at 17:51

Amaryllis discussion - sammy1

""""That girl could make anything grow! """

You lucky chap! Is innuendo allowed on here? I suppose it will be overlooked considering your status. Something to look forward to after the XJ!!

Amaryllis discussion - _

""""That girl could make anything grow! """

. Something to look forward to after the XJ!!

Sob.. I'm only going to be a passenger in the XJ. Status, What status? The dog is spoiled more than I am.

Apologies to self for digression..

However I transplanted some vine shoots when we moved in 8 years ago and we have grapes galore most years, plus they make a nice green barrier on the trellis work at the front of the garden, Didn't want a wooden fence like the others.

Edited by _ORB_ on 04/05/2023 at 06:47

Amaryllis discussion - sammy1

"""Sob.. I'm only going to be a passenger in the XJ. Status, What status? The dog is spoiled more than I am.

Good chance to get your head down on the way home, you could be up all night.

Good news on the grape, it must be quite hardy to survive outside. The birds must do well also.

We are lucky to have a very large garden here, drifts of snowdrops putting on a good show with lots of other spring bulbs Garden mostly laid to lawn with some fruit trees silver birch chestnut and general shrubs. Bird watching another hobby. I gave up the veg garden as it was too much like hard work. Koi pond and another goldfish one which is full of frog spawn The greenhouse is ready for tomatoes and other salad stuff. Looking forward to the summer as the garden always needs some attention. My son helps out with the heavy stuff and cutting the grass. Life revolves around the dog in our house. He is a sprocker and his name is need you guess Sammy.

Amaryllis discussion - sammy1

I have not tried Marine tanks as reading up on them the water is very sensitive to keep the right salinity. I do enjoy watching the films on the Great Barrier Reef, I think there is a series running now with David Attenborough. I have tried tropicals in small tanks but gave up with cleaning tanks and again fish are very sensitive to changes in their environment. As a kid my father had a pond and my love of wildlife developed from there. It is great that so many schools are putting their pupils on a path that encourages them to respect the natural world. It was natural that when I got my own home I would build a small pond with goldfish for my kids to enjoy. When I moved to our present house which already had a pond I decided on a dedicated Koi pond and built one with blockwork and fibre glass to seal the cement as the later is toxic to fish. As you know Koi are sensitive to their water quality as well so a filtration system is essential. Mine is built in as part of the original pond with chambers to move the water on and ""clean" it. The first takes all the big waste from a drain in the bottom of the pond next are brushes and matting to clean smaller particles an then more matting to encourage biological bacteria and the like to break down fish waste. The final chamber has pump to keep the water circulating and constantly clean the pond to give clear water to best view the fish and keep them healthy. You will probably know that some koi are extremely expensive and sold for thousands of pounds all over the world. They originate from China and more famously Japan. There are numerous varieties of koi usually distinguished by their beautiful colouring or their scales Some have no scales as such and are smooth. I have never paid more than £20 for a Koi but that is not to say you are not getting a beautiful fish. I have always bought 1 year old fish and brought them on. Some I have are 25year old and have grown huge. They are a member of the carp family and I have 2 mirror carp and 2 grass carp in with the koi. They are easy to keep, water quality is everything in a relatively small pod. They will live in very large ponds lakes without filters just like other fish. To get back to fish tanks, yes it is very relaxing to watch fish and dentists and hospitals often had a tank. Fish debunk the seven second memory theory of a goldfish as they see me coming to feed them so must relate to it, All animals have much more intelligence than some humans give them credit for. Enjoy your hobby

Amaryllis discussion - Jemsnixon

Instead of a wooden fence like the others, I planted some vine shoots when we first moved in eight years ago, and now we regularly have an abundance of grapes. In addition, they provide a pleasant green barrier on the trellis work at the front of the yard.