New speed camera locations I - No Do$h
This thread is to be used to notify the Back Room of any new speed camera locations including regular sites for mobile cameras. We all drive, many speed and a significant number of us depend on our licences for a living so treat this thread as a service to all motorists.

Do Not use this thread to continue discussions on the rights and wrongs of speeding or to discuss camera technology as there are appropriate threads already in existence for these discussions.

Speeding (mostly excluding cameras), index here:-

The Speed Camera Thread, index here:-

Any posts that are not appropriate to this thread will, Moderator\'s time allowing, be moved to the appropriate thread or deleted.

An example of the kind of thing we are looking for is posted below. Although Steve G got the warning by email (not usually a reliable source), in this instance the claim can be confirmed as the cameras are physically there and appear on a number of GPS based warning systems. Our thanks to Steve G for this.

No Dosh, aka
Warning - SPECS now on M27 - Steve G
Just received a email saying the M27 now has SPECS speed cameras.
They went operational on the 4th November.
The whole section of the M27 between Junc 11 (Fareham) and Rownhams Junc 2 is covered. The Cameras are set to trigger at 78MPH+.
Unforunatley this is my daily commute (Bournemouth to Fareham) so I will have to watch my speedo from now on (instead of the road).
If Mr Howard wishes to be elected at the next election he should promise to abolish this highway robbery and he would win quite easily.

Warning - SPECS now on M27 - No Do$h
Steve, if you can average 78mph between two SPECS cameras along there at any time between 06:15 and 10:00 and again between 16:00 and 19:00, you are on a motorbike and needn\'t fear the forward facing SPECS cameras! Don\'t forget these cameras average your speed between two points rather than taking a snapshot, otherwise I would have been nobbled every Monday morning on the M3 on the odd bits where the traffic is clear at around dawn

The first one is on the sign gantry just after Jn 2 whereas I beleive the others are on their own towers (usually whitish metal lattice with a \"T\" section at the top, the cameras mounted at either end of the \"T\")

No Dosh, aka
Warning - SPECS now on M27 - 9000
No Dosh- are you saying that there are SPECS cameras on the M3?
Warning - SPECS now on M27 - No Do$h
Yes, M3 has a number of SPECS cameras between M27 and A34, about 5 in total. Look on the left-hand hard shoulder on the uphill stretch after the Chandlers Ford turnoff (northbound) and you will see a gantry-type tower, about 12 inches in cross-section and about 12 feet high. This has a cross bar at the top, about 4 foot across with a cctv type camera at each end, This is a typical SPECS camera installation, although they can also be mounted in overhead signage and on bridges.

As per HJ\'s post, please use this thread to notify of any new cameras or threats to our licences and livlihoods. This thread is not to be used for debate on the rights or wrongs of speeding, nor to discuss speed camera technology in general as these are covered in other threads.

Later today I will set up a new thread for \"New Scamera Warnings\" which is only to be used for this purpose. Any posts that are not for appropriate will either be moved to the correct thread or deleted, depending on the volumes.

No Dosh, aka

Now done. ND
New speed camera locations I - clariman
A59 Ormskirk to Liverpool. As you leave Ormskirk along A59 towards Liverpool, as you come to the top of the hill, half a mile from Ormskirk town centre, there is a new (yellow) Gatso*.

No lines have yet been drawn on the road, and this camera has been fitted about 3 weeks ago.

Its a 40 mph zone, and you may well be going faster for the momentum up the hill.

A typical Lancashire Police revenue generator!

* A lack of lines may suggest a Truevelo (sp?) but the camera faces away from you as you travel towards it. Indeed, you only notice the b***** at the last minute!
New speed camera locations I - Steve G
No Dosh..
I cant see these cameras ?
Youre right about the average speed during rush hour (lucky to do 7.8 MPH average !)
Unfortunately last week I worked late so my trips home were in free flowing traffic and probably means my licence is under threat if these stories are true ....
I really would like to know if these cameras exist. Whats the best website for finding out about camera locations. I've tried a search but most speeding related websites are out of date.


(Good idea putting this under a new thread)

Steve G
New speed camera locations I - No Do$h

Here's a link that confirms the location of the camera near Fareham

Will try and get a concise location for the others for you, but definitely one just past J2 Eastbound. I trialled a package that worked with my SatNav to warn of cameras and it gave me a fright when it pointed out this one! Thankfully I'm not aware of any others before the M3 turn off so wouldn't have been nabbed myself.
New speed camera locations I - escort man
No Dosh,
im not doubting what you say, as i have seen cameras of this description on the M3, i thought they were these new traffic master/jam cams or CCTV for accidents.
I use the M3 everyweekend to get to Southampton from M25 right to A33 and usualy average 85-90mph (sometimes more). I have never recieved a ticket(hopefully im not tempting fate) so im either REALLY lucky (though i thought with SPECS cameras they get everybody, every time) or these are not speed cameras.
Cant explain why your warning machine makes noises though.

New speed camera locations I - No Do$h
Interestingly the Hampshire Safety Scamera partnership have just been on the news (Wave 105) stating there are no cameras under their control hidden in the signs on the M27 and the email is a scam.

They made reference to the signs on the M25 being the only cameras in use in the UK hidden in signs.

This directly contradicts the evidence of my own eyes and my GPS based warning system, which specifies there is a SPECS camera at Jn 2. The link I provided previously also confirms the existence of a camera near Fareham, although I can't vouch for this one personally as I rarely venture along that stretch.

I'm not sure, but I don't think SPECS comes under the Safety Scamera partnership, so a bit of spin may have been applied here. Will post in the other camera thread and perhaps John Shelton can update us on that one?
New speed camera locations I - harry m
there are 2 new cameras at present with there plastic jackets on north bound only A24 SUSSEX between ashington and the buckbarn is situated nearly opposite the big garden centre the other near the partridge green turn off.both yellow and the roads are marked so wont be long before they switch them on.
New speed camera locations I - pdc {P}
This is The Registers take on things
New speed camera locations I - Wales Forester
New Gatso, has been installed a matter of weeks, sited on the Cheshire/Flintshire border, A548 junction with Western Avenue, Chester.

Link to map;


New speed camera locations I - Adam {P}
No it's just a normal GATSO with no lines
" - my only weakness - my achilles heel if you will"
New speed camera locations I - Adam {P}
My last post refers to the one in Ormksirk towards Liverpool
" - my only weakness - my achilles heel if you will"
New speed cameras: B653 Luton?WGC - Roger Jones
This enquiry has just been sent to Herts County Council. Users of this road beware. The cameras do not appear to operational yet.

Dear Herts Direct

Please advise where on your website I will find the accident record of the B653 Lower Luton Road and a record of the decision making that has resulted in the installation of speed cameras at Broadlands (OS grid ref. 134168). I note that these speed cameras are not listed on your website at:
New speed cameras: B653 Luton?WGC - Mapmaker
that's tl134168 for users of

Thanks, strange place for a speed camera, pretty much in the middle of nowhere!
New speed cameras: B653 Luton?WGC - Roger Jones
Exactly. Which is why I am interested in pinning down the accident record. The cameras are, I think, less than 200m apart, facing in opposite directions, so they are designed to trap people in a very short stretch of road, which happens to have very good visibility, one isolated house outside the camera stretch, no junctions, adequate width (unlike other stretches of the road), etc., etc. It is part of a stretch through open countryside that recently came under an unfathomable 40mph restriction.

And, of course, I meant "to be operational yet".

Ever the optimist, I am determined to let someone in the relevant authority know that their decisions are going to be questioned and publicized.

Speaking of which, my query to the same authority about the accident record of the A1081 Luton?St Albans road was acknowledged but has yet to be dealt with after six weeks. They have been reminded and I will not let up.
A127 mobile cameras - cockle {P}
Essex Police have just started using their mobile cameras on the Eastbound/Southend bound carriageway.


The sites are anywhere between M25 and Southend Borough boundary.
Essex Police are maintaining that as the road is NSL and it has a poor accident record along its length they do not necessarily need to be either visible or advertised. Local press has stated that in excess of 20 vehicles were clocked at over 100mph, in one weekend; top speed was 133mph.
To be fair they are targeting the right times, from local press reports nearly all the fatals on this road have been during those hours. My personal experience of travelling the road at those times bears up that some people are driving in a scary manner and at ridiculous speeds. Just be aware if you're about at those times.

A127 mobile cameras - Nortones2
I hear there is going to be a set of geostationary satellites, which on a trial basis are targetting the M25. Triangulation of movement in real time (with resolution down to 0.5m) plus computer controlled back up through robotic AV number plate recognition. Enforced on inverted-maglev principle to lift offenders into vertical stacking bays (similar to VW factory method) for immediate processing, including immigration issues. Except for Reliant Robins which are immune to all but the most powerful magnetic forces.
A127 mobile cameras - frostbite
They are also partial to setting up a mobile camera in Green Lanes Eastwood, frequently towards the Eastwoodbury Lane end but sometimes further up.
A1 works - Stibbington (Stamford-P'boro) - Van Driving Man
Roadworks due to start on A1 near Stibbington (South of Stamford r'about/RAF Wittering)on 15 March. Will result in what looks like a fairly lengthy contraflow on the current n'bound carriageway.

Drove through there on Thursday and saw 2 sets (one each direction) of GATSO cameras in what will be the contraflow area.
Speed cameras on route - BobbyG
ND, not sure if this belongs in this thread or the other one.
Will shortly be driving from Glasgow to Montgomery in Powys and was wondering if anyone knows of one website that I could get a list of all fixed cameras on the specific roads that i will be travelling?
M66 - NitroBurner
Near Bury, Lancs.

Roadworks - 50 mph limit.

Graduation lines in road today, but cameras 'bagged'.

Expect operational next week...
M66 - NitroBurner
Further to my previous post...

3 in both directions!
M53 - doug_523i
Two new Gatso cameras on both carriageways in the roadworks between Hoole and Clatterbridge. They look permanent, and I've seen the camera on the westbound carriageway flash several times, its the first camera after the Hoole junction and it catches drivers who don't slow immediately at the 50 sign.
Tower Bridge - CM
Specs went operational a month or so ago along Tower bridge - speed limit of 20mph
A412 Watford - Hawesy1982
The A412 through Watford-Rickmansworth was already hailed as the most speedcamered road in the UK, and now has 4 more pairs within a 2 mile stretch! And another 2 not far away from them on Bedmond Road, Abbots Langley.

The A412 ones are all on St Albans road:

Opposite McDonalds
Just past the Sheepcot Lane turnoff
Just past the Vauxhall Garage
Just before KFC

Now i'd REALLY like to see the evidence of the 3 serious injury or fatal accidents that have happened in these locations in the last 3 years!

That would be a cool £500,000 spend there then, but when the local residents ASKED for speed bumps on a local semi-rural race-track, where there have been 30 accidents in the last 6 months - most at high speed - noooooooooooooo, they can't afford that!

I'm becoming more and more cynical every single day, and i'm supposed to be part of the future of this country!
this will get moved hopefully not too so - keo-the-dog
re. the title hope they leave this alone for a short while at least thought i would bring attention to a new camera (gatso)ithink. on the A38 patchway bristol much narrower box than the old one and alot higher up it hides very easily on the footpath aproaching flyover heading into bristol no lines on road yet so not live . posted it here as i've never seen a gatso like this before it doesn't look right it looks very hidden without actually being hid if you know what i mean . more like a red light camera but there are no lights there. anybody know something about it
ps sorry if it's in the wrong place